
# (C) Copyright 2012 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
# agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
# otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy
# form.

__all__ = ["IdNavigationCustom", "instantiate"]

import math

from ActionRegistry     import theActionRegistry
from awSupportApi       import AffineMatrix, Line, Normal, Point, Vector
from MessageInterpreter import MessageInterpreter
from MessageRegistry    import theMessageRegistry
from Modes              import SelectionMode
from RTFapi             import Event
from UserCustomization  import UserCustomBase, CustomInfo
from SceneGraphUtilities import GetNodesFromIds

import ModelIO

Enable or disable custom id navigation feature. When enabled, left mouse
button will tumble the scene or selected objects. When disabled the items
being tumbled are returned to their original transform.
[[("state"),("True to enable and False to disable")],


class IdNavigationCustom(UserCustomBase):

    __kMenuId = u"Edit"

    def __init__(self):
        self.__myMenu = None
        self.__myMenuItemId = None
        self.__myInterpreter = IdNavigationInterpreter()

    def getInterpreter(self, isInteractive):
        if isInteractive:
            return self.__myInterpreter
        return None

    def appendMenuItems(self, id, menu):
        if IdNavigationCustom.__kMenuId == id:
            self.__myMenu = menu

            self.__myMenuItemId = menu.appendCheckItem(
                _("Custom ID Navigation"), self.OnIdNavigation)

    def enableMenuStates(self, id, enableStates):
        if IdNavigationCustom.__kMenuId == id:
            enableStates[self.__myMenuItemId] = True

    def resetMenuStates(self, id):
        if IdNavigationCustom.__kMenuId == id:
            menuItemStates = {}
            menuItemStates[self.__myMenuItemId] = False

    def OnIdNavigation(self, event):
        isOn = bool(self.__myMenu.IsChecked(self.__myMenuItemId))
        self.sendMessage("CUSTOM_ID_NAVIGATION_ENABLE", (isOn,))

class IdNavigationInterpreter(MessageInterpreter):

    __kRotateStartKeyMappingId = "RotateStart"
    __kRotateKeyMappingId = "Rotate"

    class NodeData:
        def __init__(self, node):
            self.node = node
            self.undoMatrix = None
            self.startMatrix = None

    def __init__(self):

        self.__myDisplay = None
        self.__myLastPosition = (0.0, 0.0)

        self.__targets = None

        self.__myAzimuth = 0.0
        self.__myElevation = 0.0

        #   Rotate key mappings.
        keyMappings = (
          (Event.BUTTON_LMB, (), True, Event.BUTTONDOWN, "MyRotateStart"),
        theActionRegistry.registerList(IdNavigationInterpreter.__kRotateStartKeyMappingId, keyMappings)

        keyMappings = (
          (Event.BUTTON_LMB, (), False, Event.BUTTONUP, "MyRotateStop")
        , (Event.BUTTON_None, (), False, Event.MOVE, "MyRotate")
        theActionRegistry.registerList(IdNavigationInterpreter.__kRotateKeyMappingId, keyMappings)

    def getPosition(self, event):
        x = event.getValue(Event.kNormalizedWinX)
        y = event.getValue(Event.kNormalizedWinY)
        return x, y

    def MyRotateStart(self, event):
        if self.__myDisplay is None or \
            self.__myTargets is None:
            return False

        self.__myLastPosition = self.getPosition(event)
        theActionRegistry.activateSet(IdNavigationInterpreter.__kRotateKeyMappingId, True)

        for target in self.__myTargets:
            target.startMatrix = AffineMatrix(1.0)
            target.node.getMatrix( target.startMatrix )

        self.__myAzimuth = 0.0
        self.__myElevation = 0.0

        return True

    def MyRotate(self, event):
        x, y = self.getPosition(event)
        lastX, lastY = self.__myLastPosition

        dx = x - lastX
        dy = y - lastY

        self.__myLastPosition = self.getPosition(event)
        rotationMatrix = self.__computeMatrix(dx, dy)

        for target in self.__myTargets:
            matrix = AffineMatrix(rotationMatrix)

        return True

    def __computeMatrix(self, dx, dy):

        matrix = AffineMatrix(1.0)

        if self.__myDisplay is None:
            return matrix

        # Map the mouse movement into changes in azimuth and elevation
        azimuthDegrees = dx * 180.0
        azimuthRadians = math.radians(azimuthDegrees)
        elevationDegrees = dy * 90.0
        elevationRadians = math.radians(elevationDegrees)

        self.__myAzimuth += azimuthRadians
        self.__myElevation += elevationRadians
        halfpi = math.pi * 0.5
        if self.__myElevation < -halfpi:
            self.__myElevation = -halfpi + 0.0001
        if self.__myElevation > halfpi:
            self.__myElevation = halfpi - 0.0001

        # Compute axes to rotate around based on camera position
        # TODO camera tilt not currently being taken in account

        camera = self.__myDisplay.getCamera()
        pos = Point()
        coi = Point()
        up = Vector()
        camera.getView(pos, coi, up)
        view = Vector(coi[0] - pos[0], coi[1] - pos[1], coi[2] - pos[2])
        side = up.cross(view)

        azimuthAxis = Normal( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
        elevationAxis = Normal(side[0], side[1], side[2])

        # Tumble around the chosen pivot point

        elevationAxis = Line(coi, elevationAxis)
        azimuthAxis   = Line(coi, azimuthAxis)
        matrix.rotate(self.__myElevation, elevationAxis)
        matrix.rotate(self.__myAzimuth, azimuthAxis)

        return matrix

    def MyRotateStop(self, event):
        self.__myLastPosition = self.getPosition(event)
        theActionRegistry.activateSet(IdNavigationInterpreter.__kRotateKeyMappingId, False)
        return True

    def APPLICATION_CLOSE_SCENE(self, message):
        self.__myTargets = None
        self.__myLastPosition = (0.0, 0.0)

    def CUSTOM_ID_NAVIGATION_ENABLE(self, message):
        (isOn,) =

        if self.__myDocument is None:

        models = self.__myDocument.get(
        if models is None:

        if isOn:
            if models.selected.empty():
                self.__myTargets = ( IdNavigationInterpreter.NodeData(models.root), )
                self.__myTargets = tuple( IdNavigationInterpreter.NodeData(node)
                                          for node in GetNodesFromIds( models.selected.asTuple() ) )

            # Save the initial matrices of the targets for undo purposes when exiting this mode
            for target in self.__myTargets:
                target.undoMatrix = AffineMatrix(1.0)
                target.node.getMatrix( target.undoMatrix )

            self.sendMessage("SELECT", ((), SelectionMode.kReplace), requestUndo=False)


            # Restore the targets to their original state
            for target in self.__myTargets:
                target.node.setMatrix( target.undoMatrix )
                target.undoMatrix = None
            self.__myTargets = None

        theActionRegistry.activateSet(IdNavigationInterpreter.__kRotateStartKeyMappingId, isOn)

    def SET_DISPLAY(self, message):
        (self.__myDisplay,) =

    def SET_DOCUMENT(self, message):
        (document,) =
        self.__myDocument = document

def instantiate():
    return IdNavigationCustom()

def info():
    customInfo = CustomInfo()
    customInfo.vendor = 'Autodesk'
    customInfo.version = '1.0'
    customInfo.api = '2013'
    customInfo.shortInfo = "Enable or disable custom id navigation feature."
    customInfo.longInfo = \
"""When enabled, left mouse button will tumble the scene or selected objects. \
When disabled the items being tumbled are returned to their original transform.
    return customInfo