Environments Messages

  • ENVIRONMENTS_SAVE_WITH_SCENE - Saves environments in scene with the scene.


    • fileName - The name of the scene being saved.

  • ENVIRONMENT_ADDED - Indicates that an environment in the scene was added.


    • newEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was added.

    • newEnvName - The new name for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_ADD_GENERIC_TO_SCENE - Adds a generic environment into scene.


    • libraryEnvId - The ID of the environment in the library being added.

    • envName - The new name for the environment, it can be empty string and then a new one will be generated.

    • envFilePath - The path to the selected environment file, it can be empty string and then no file is set.

  • ENVIRONMENT_ADD_TO_SCENE - Adds an environment into scene.


    • libraryEnvId - The ID of the environment in the library being added.

    • envName - The new name for the environment, it can be empty string and then a new one will be generated.

  • ENVIRONMENT_BACKDROP_IMAGE_CHANGED - Indicates that the backdrop has been overridden for at least one environment.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments affected.

    • backdropFilename - The full path of the backdrop image override.

  • ENVIRONMENT_BACKPLATE_PARAMETERS_CHANGED - Indicates that the backdrop parameters have been modified for at least one environment.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments affected.

    • parameters - The parameter values for fit type: 0 - no fit; 1 - horizontal; 2-vertical), scale; horizontal and vertical offsets.

  • ENVIRONMENT_CHANGED - Indicates that a new environment succesfully loaded.


    • envId - The ID of the new environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_BACKDROP_IMAGE - For each specified environment, overrides the backdrop to the given value.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments to affect.

    • backdropFilename - The full path of the backdrop image.

    • backdropMaterialParameters - Material parameters to be used in the backdrop shader. The parameters are: mapping (planar or cube), horizon and close-up.

  • ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_BACKDROP_IMAGE_BYLABEL - For each specified environment, overrides the backdrop to the given value.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments to affect.

    • backdropFilename - The full path of the backdrop image.

    • backdropMaterialParameters - Material parameters to be used in the backdrop shader. The parameters are: mapping (planar or cube), horizon and close-up.

  • ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_BACKPLATE_PARAMETERS - For each specified environment, overrides the backdrop parameters.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments to affect.

    • parameters - The parameter values for fit type: (0 - no fit; 1 - horizontal; 2 - vertical); scale (default 1); horizontal and vertical offsets (default 0).

  • ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_BACKPLATE_PARAMETERS_BYLABEL - For each specified environment, overrides the backdrop parameters.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments to affect.

    • parameters - The parameter values for fit type: (0 - no fit; 1 - horizontal; 2 - vertical); scale (default 1); horizontal and vertical offsets (default 0).

  • ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_LIGHTING_PARAMETERS - For each specified environment, sets the lighting parameters to the given values. If a parameter does not exist, it will be created if 'forceCreation' is set to True.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments to affect.

    • parameterNames - A tuple of the names of the parameters to change: 'backdrop', 'diffuseCube', 'reflectCube', 'specularCube', 'backplate', 'envImage', 'globalIBLContrastPivot', 'globalIBLContrastValue', 'globalIBLGainColor', 'globalIBLGainSource', 'globalIBLGainValue', 'globalIBLGammaValue', 'globalIBLSatValue', 'globalIBLMatrix'. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • parameterType - The type of the value: 0 - String; 1 - Double; 2 - Array of 2 doubles; 3 - Array of 3 doubles; 4 - Array of 4 doubles; 5 - AffineMatrix; 6 - ProjMatrix; 7 - File. (See 'enum Type' under "awSupport:Parameter" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • parameterValue - A string representing the value to set on the parameter.

    • forceCreation - True to create the parameter if it doesn't exist.

  • ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_LIGHTING_PARAMETERS_BYLABEL - For each specified environment, sets the lighting parameters to the given values. If a parameter does not exist, it will be created if 'forceCreation' is set to True.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments to affect.

    • parameterNames - A tuple of the names of the parameters to change: 'backdrop', 'diffuseCube', 'reflectCube', 'specularCube', 'backplate', 'envImage', 'globalIBLContrastPivot', 'globalIBLContrastValue', 'globalIBLGainColor', 'globalIBLGainSource', 'globalIBLGainValue', 'globalIBLGammaValue', 'globalIBLSatValue', 'globalIBLMatrix'. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • parameterType - The type of the value: 0 - String; 1 - Double; 2 - Array of 2 doubles; 3 - Array of 3 doubles; 4 - Array of 4 doubles; 5 - AffineMatrix; 6 - ProjMatrix; 7 - File. (See 'enum Type' under "awSupport:Parameter" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • parameterValue - A string representing the value to set on the parameter.

    • forceCreation - True to create the parameter if it doesn't exist.

  • ENVIRONMENT_DELETED - Indicates that an environment in the library was deleted.


    • libraryEnvId - The ID of the environment in the library that was deleted.

  • ENVIRONMENT_DELETE_FROM_LIBRARY - Deletes a given environment from the library. The environment is physically deleted from the disk. Note: This operation is not undoable.


    • libraryEnvId - The ID of the environment in the library being deleted.

  • ENVIRONMENT_DUPLICATE - Duplicates an environment currently in the scene.


    • envId - The ID of the environment in the scene being duplicated.

  • ENVIRONMENT_DUPLICATED - Indicates that an environment in the scene was duplicated.


    • newEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was duplicated.

  • ENVIRONMENT_GENERIC_ADDED - Indicates that a generic environment was added into scene.


    • newEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was added.

    • newEnvName - The new name for the environment.

    • envFilePath - The path to the selected environment file, it can be empty string and then the user has to select a file from with in the Create Environment Window

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIBRARY_ADD - Adds a new environment library path to the user preferences. If the specified folder does not exist, it will also create a folder for the new library.


    • libraryPath - Path of the environment library being added.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIBRARY_ADDED - Indicates that a new environment library was added.


    • libraryPath - The path to the environment library that was added.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIBRARY_LOAD - Loads the environment library.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIBRARY_LOADED - Indicates that environment library has been loaded.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIBRARY_REMOVE - Removes an environment library path from the user preferences.


    • libraryPath - The path to an existing environment library.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIBRARY_REMOVED - Indicates that an environment library was removed.


    • libraryPath - The path to the environment library that was removed.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIGHTING_PARAMETERS_CHANGED - Indicates that a lighting parameter has been changed on an environment.


    • environmentIds - A tuple of the IDs of the environments affected.

    • parameterNames - A tuple of the names of the parameters that were changed.

    • parameterType - The type of the value.

    • parameterValue - A string representing the new value of the parameters.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LIST - Lists all environments available to the scene.


    • envList - List of environment IDs.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LOAD - Loads the environment with the specified ID. The environment ID must refer to an existing environment in the scene.


    • environmentIds - The ID of the environment to be loaded.

  • ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_BYLABEL - Loads the environment with the specified ID. The environment ID must refer to an existing environment in the scene.


    • environmentIds - The ID of the environment to be loaded.

  • ENVIRONMENT_MODEL_REPLACE - Replaces current environment's model with the specified one, or reloades the model, if the specified filename is the same as the one of the current environment's model.


    • modelImportId - Id of the model import. If it is empty, a new model will be imported, otherwise, the model will be reloaded.

    • filename - The filename of the model being imported.

  • ENVIRONMENT_POSITION_FLOOR_UNDER_MODELS - Translates the environment (z axis only) so that the environment's origin coincides with the bounding box of the model root. If there is no geometry in the scene, the call has no effect.

  • ENVIRONMENT_REMOVED - Indicates that an environment in the scene was removed.


    • sceneEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was removed.

  • ENVIRONMENT_REMOVE_FROM_SCENE - Removes an environment currently from the scene.


    • sceneEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene being removed.

  • ENVIRONMENT_RENAME - Renames an environment currently in the scene.


    • envId - The ID of the environment in the scene.

    • newName - The new name for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_RENAMED - Indicates that an environment in the scene was renamed.


    • envId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was renamed.

    • newName - The new name for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_RENAMED_FROM_LIBRARY - Indicates that an environment was renamed.


    • OriginalLibraryEnvId - The original ID of the environment that was renamed.

    • libraryEnvId - The ID of the environment that was renamed.

    • newName - The new name for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_RENAME_BYLABEL - Renames an environment currently in the scene.


    • envId - The ID of the environment in the scene.

    • newName - The new name for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_RENAME_FROM_LIBRARY - Renames an environment in the library, this will rename the actual folder and all associated files in the environment folder.


    • libraryEnvId - The ID of the environment in the library being renamed.

    • newName - The new name for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_REQUEST_LIST - Requests that a new ENVIRONMENT_LIST message be issued.

  • ENVIRONMENT_RESOLVE - Resolves an environment from specified location.


    • oldEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that is marked NOT FOUND.

    • envFile - The file path of the environment being resolved.

  • ENVIRONMENT_RESOLVED - Indicates that an environment was resolved.


    • oldEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that is marked NOT FOUND.

    • newEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was resolved.

  • ENVIRONMENT_ROOT_TRANSFORM - Transforms the environment.


    • scale - The new scale of the environment.

    • translate - The new center point of the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_ROOT_TRANSFORM_CHANGED - Indicates that the transform of an environment changed.


    • scale - The new scale of the environment.

    • translate - The new center point of the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_SAVED - Indicates that an environment was saved.


    • OriginaEnvId - The original ID of the environment in the scene that was saved.

    • nweEnvId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was saved.

    • newLibraryPath - The new library path for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_SAVE_THUMBNAIL - Saves a thumbnail image for the environment in scene.


    • envId - The ID of the environment in the scene being set image

  • ENVIRONMENT_SAVE_TO_LIBRARY - Saves an new or modified environment into the library.


    • envId - The ID of the environment in the scene being saved.

    • libraryPath - The new library path for the environment.

    • forceToSaveAs - If set to True, the environment will be saved to a new name, otherwise, it will override an existing one if it already exists.

  • ENVIRONMENT_THUMBNAIL_SAVED - Indicates that the environment thumbnail was saved.


    • envId - The ID of the environment in the scene that was set image

    • newThumbnail - The new thumbnail for the environment.

  • ENVIRONMENT_UPDATE_LIST - Updates an environment list.


    • envList - List of environment IDs.

  • ENVIRONMENT_UPDATE_LIST_BYLABEL - Updates an environment list.


    • envList - List of environment IDs.

  • HILIGHT_POSITION_DRAG_ENDED - Indicates the end of interactive environment light positioning using the hilight.

  • HILIGHT_POSITION_DRAG_STARTED - Indicates the beginning of interactive environment light positioning using the hilight to determine the position of the light.

  • LIGHT_DIRECTION_CHANGED - Indicates that the environment light direction has changed.


    • azimuth - The new light azimuth relative to the origin of the environment space.

    • elevation - The new light elevation relative to the origin of the environment space.

  • LIGHT_POSITION_CHANGED - Indicates that the environment light position has changed.


    • position - A 3-tuple representing the new light position in the world space.

  • LIGHT_POSITION_DRAG_ENDED - Indicates the end of interactive environment light positioning.

  • LIGHT_POSITION_DRAG_STARTED - Indicates the beginning of interactive environment light positioning using the mouse to determine light azimuth and elevation values.

  • LIGHT_RESET_POSITION - Resets the position of the environment light in the scene to the default position for the current environment.

  • LIGHT_SET_DIRECTION - Changes the light direction in the current environment.


    • azimuth - The new light azimuth relative to the origin of the environment space.

    • elevation - The new light elevation relative to the origin of the environment space.

  • LIGHT_SET_POSITION - Modifies the position of light in the current environment. (Note, currently all shadow generators will be positioned at the same location).


    • position - A 3-tuple representing the new light position in the world space.

  • SET_BACKPLATE_DRAW_ROOT - Sets a new scene backplate draw root node. All objects that need to be drawn orthographically at the back are attached to this root.


    • plateDrawRoot - The node to be set as the new backplate draw root. (See "awScene::Group" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • SHADOW_ALPHA_THRESHOLD_CHANGED - Indicates that the threshold of the alpha value for computing the shadows of semi transparent materials has changed.


    • threshold - The threshold of the alpha value for shadows computation. The value should be in the range [0.01, 0.99].

  • SHADOW_CASTERS_CHANGED - Internal message. Indicates that the shadow caster objects have changed to the specified node IDs.


    • objectIds - A tuple of the new caster IDs.

  • SHADOW_COLOR_CHANGED - Indicates that the color of rendered shadows in the current scene has changed.


    • rgb - RGB values in the range [0, 1.0]. (To convert RGB values to this range, divide by 255.)

  • SHADOW_ENABLE_SOFT_EDGES_CHANGED - Indicates that soft shadow edges are enabled.


    • enable - True to enable soft edges, False to disable them.

  • SHADOW_ENABLE_TRANSPARENCY_CHANGED - Indicates that the setting allowing the shadow computation to take into account the alpha value of semi transparent materials has changed.


    • enable - True to turn the shadow of transparent materials on, False to turn them off.

  • SHADOW_FALLOFF_POWER_CHANGED - Indicates that the rate of decay of the shadow intensity over the falloff range distance (drop-off rate) has changed.


    • exponent - Exponent value used to scale the shadow intensity, in the range [0.01, 10.0].

  • SHADOW_FALLOFF_RANGE_CHANGED - Indicates that the distance over which shadow intensity falls off to zero (drop-off distance) has changed.


    • distance - The distance at which shadow intensity will be none.

  • SHADOW_INTENSITY_CHANGED - Indicates that the shadow intensity has changed.


    • intensity - Shadow intensity value in the range [0, 1.0].

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_CREATE - Creates a new shadow generating light source. The highest common ancestor of the currently selected geometry is used as the shadow casting object. If no geometry is selected, then the entire scene is used as the caster.


    • receivers - The IDs of the objects that will receive the shadow.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_CREATED - Indicates that the shadow generating light source has been created.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_CREATE_BYLABEL - Creates a new shadow generating light source. The highest common ancestor of the currently selected geometry is used as the shadow casting object. If no geometry is selected, then the entire scene is used as the caster.


    • receivers - The IDs of the objects that will receive the shadow.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_CREATE_EXTRA - Creates a new shadow generating light source. The highest common ancestor of the currently selected geometry is used as the shadow casting object. If no geometry is selected, then the entire scene is used as the caster.


    • ID - The ID of the light to create shadow for.

    • receivers - The IDs of the objects that will receive the shadow.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_DELETE - Deletes the shadow generating light source with the specified ID.


    • ID - The ID of the shadow generator node to be deleted. (To get the shadow generator node ID, create a custom script that listens to the SHADOW_LIGHT_REQUEST_LIST message.)

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_DELETE_BYLABEL - Deletes the shadow generating light source with the specified ID.


    • ID - The ID of the shadow generator node to be deleted. (To get the shadow generator node ID, create a custom script that listens to the SHADOW_LIGHT_REQUEST_LIST message.)

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_LIST - Lists the IDs of environment shadow generatoring light sources in the current scene.


    • namelist - List of shadow generator node IDs.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_LIST_EXTRA - Lists the IDs of extra light shadow generatoring light sources in the current scene.


    • namelist - List of shadow generator node IDs.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_PARAMETERS - Contains the current shadow light parameter values.


    • value_map - Map containing the light parameters with the following keys: 'SHADOW_LIGHT_SWITCH' (boolean), 'SHADOW_SET_SOFT_SHADOW' (boolean), 'SHADOW_SET_RESOLUTION' (integer), 'SHADOW_SET_INTENSITY' (float), 'SHADOW_SET_ENABLE_TRANSPARENCY' (boolean), 'SHADOW_SET_ALPHA_THRESHOLD' (float), 'SHADOW_SET_ENABLE_SOFT_EDGES' (boolean), 'SHADOW_SET_COLOR' (3-vector), 'SHADOW_SET_SOFTNESS' (int), 'SHADOW_SET_FALLOFF_RANGE (float)', 'SHADOW_SET_FALLOFF_POWER (float)', 'SHADOW_SET_CASTER (list)'.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_REQUEST_LIST - Requests that a new SHADOW_LIGHT_LIST message be issued.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_REQUEST_LIST_EXTRA - Requests that a new SHADOW_LIGHT_LIST_EXTRA message be issued.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_REQUEST_PARAMETERS - Requests that a new SHADOW_LIGHT_PARAMETERS message be issued.

  • SHADOW_LIGHT_SWITCH - Turns the shadow lights on or off.


    • enable - True to turn the shadow lights on, False to turn them off.

  • SHADOW_POSITION_DRAG_ENDED - Indicates that interactive shadow positioning has ended.

  • SHADOW_POSITION_DRAG_STARTED - Indicates that interactive shadow positioning has started.

  • SHADOW_POSITION_END - Ends interactive shadow positioning.

  • SHADOW_POSITION_START - Starts interactive shadow positioning. The user will be able to position the the shadow until the SHADOW_POSITION_END message is processed.

  • SHADOW_RECEIVERS_CHANGED - Internal message. Indicates that the shadow receiver objects have changed to the specified node IDs.


    • objectIds - A tuple of the new receiver IDs.

  • SHADOW_RECEIVER_REPLACE - Changes the shadow receiver objects in all active shadow casters from the given active receivers to the specified new receivers.


    • activeShadowReceivers - The IDs of the shadow receivers to be replaced.

    • newShadowReceivers - The IDs of the new shadow receivers.

  • SHADOW_RECEIVER_REPLACE_BYLABEL - Changes the shadow receiver objects in all active shadow casters from the given active receivers to the specified new receivers.


    • activeShadowReceivers - The IDs of the shadow receivers to be replaced.

    • newShadowReceivers - The IDs of the new shadow receivers.

  • SHADOW_RECEIVER_TYPE_CHANGED - Indicates that shadow receiver type has changed to the specified type.


    • receiverType - The shadow receiver type. 1 - Ground; 2 - Objects; 3 - Ground and objects.

  • SHADOW_RESOLUTION_CHANGED - Indicates that the shadow resolution has changed.


    • resolution - The pixel width of the textures used for shadow rendering. The value should be a power of two in the range [32, 2048].

  • SHADOW_SELECT_ALL_CASTERS - Selects the current shadow caster objects in the scene.

  • SHADOW_SET_ALPHA_THRESHOLD - Modifies the threshold of the alpha value for casting the shadows of semi transparent materials.


    • threshold - The threshold of the alpha value for shadows computation. The value should be in the range [0.01, 0.99].

  • SHADOW_SET_CASTER - Sets the shadow caster to either all objects or the selected objects in the scene.


    • selectAll - True to set all objects as casters, False to set just the selected objects.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract'.

  • SHADOW_SET_CASTER_OBJECTS - Internal message. Sets the specified objectIds as the shadow caster objects and applies them to the current shadows in the scene. Used primarily for supporting the undo of SHADOW_SET_CASTER messages.


    • objectIds - The shadow caster node IDs.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract'.

  • SHADOW_SET_CASTER_OBJECTS_BYLABEL - Internal message. Sets the specified objectIds as the shadow caster objects and applies them to the current shadows in the scene. Used primarily for supporting the undo of SHADOW_SET_CASTER messages.


    • objectIds - The shadow caster node IDs.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract'.

  • SHADOW_SET_COLOR - Modifies the color of rendered shadows in the current scene.


    • rgb - RGB values in the range [0, 1.0]. (To convert RGB values to this range, divide by 255.)

  • SHADOW_SET_ENABLE_SOFT_EDGES - Enable soft shadow edges.


    • enable - True to enable soft edges, False to disable them.

  • SHADOW_SET_ENABLE_TRANSPARENCY - Enable the shadow computation to take into account the alpha value of semi transparent materials.


    • enable - True to turn the shadow of transparent materials on, False to turn them off.

  • SHADOW_SET_FALLOFF_POWER - Modifies the rate of decay of the shadow intensity over the falloff range distance (drop-off rate).


    • exponent - Exponent value used to scale the shadow intensity, in the range [0.01, 10.0].

  • SHADOW_SET_FALLOFF_RANGE - Modifies the distance over which shadow intensity falls off to zero (drop-off distance).


    • distance - The distance at which shadow intensity will be none.

  • SHADOW_SET_INTENSITY - Modifies the intensity of rendered shadows in the current scene.


    • intensity - The shadow intensity value in the range [0, 1.0].

  • SHADOW_SET_RECEIVER - Sets the shadow receiver to either all objects or the selected objects in the scene.


    • objectIds - Empty to set all objects as receivers, otherwise supplied objects.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract'.

  • SHADOW_SET_RECEIVER_BYLABEL - Sets the shadow receiver to either all objects or the selected objects in the scene.


    • objectIds - Empty to set all objects as receivers, otherwise supplied objects.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract'.

  • SHADOW_SET_RECEIVER_OBJECTS - Internal message. Sets the specified objectIds as the shadow receiver objects and applies them to the current shadows in the scene. Used primarily for supporting the undo of SHADOW_SET_RECEIVER messages.


    • objectIds - The shadow receiver node IDs.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract'.

  • SHADOW_SET_RECEIVER_OBJECTS_BYLABEL - Internal message. Sets the specified objectIds as the shadow receiver objects and applies them to the current shadows in the scene. Used primarily for supporting the undo of SHADOW_SET_RECEIVER messages.


    • objectIds - The shadow receiver node IDs.

    • operation - One of 'Replace', 'Add', 'Subtract'.

  • SHADOW_SET_RECEIVER_TYPE - Sets the shadow receiver type to ground or objects or both of them.


    • receiverType - The shadow receiver type. 1 - Ground; 2 - Objects; 3 - Ground and objects.

  • SHADOW_SET_RESOLUTION - Modifies the resolution of the shadow textures.


    • resolution - The pixel width of the textures used for shadow rendering. The value should be a power of two in the range [32, 2048].

  • SHADOW_SET_SOFTNESS - Modifies the softness of rendered shadows in the current scene.


    • softness - The shadow softness value in the range [0, 14].

  • SHADOW_SET_SOFT_SHADOW - Turns soft shadow on or off.


    • enable - True to enable soft shadow, False to enable hard shadow.

  • SHADOW_SOFTNESS_CHANGED - Indicates that the shadow softness has changed.


    • softness - The shadow softness value in the range [0, 14].

  • SHADOW_SOFT_SHADOW_CHANGED - Indicates that the shadow type has changed.


    • enable - True if soft shadow has been enabled, False if hard shadow has been enabled.