Control Messages

  • CLIENT_ALL_LOADED - Internal message. Notification on a server that all clients are finished loading all files.

  • CLIENT_CONNECTION_STATUS - Disconnects the client if the connection status is not valid.


    • status - The status flag for the client connection.

    • message - The message about the connection status.

  • CLIENT_DISCONNECTED - Indicates that a client has disconnected.


    • id - The client's ID.

    • name - The client name.

  • CLIENT_LIST_CHANGED - Indicates the current list of connected clients. Sent any time a new client connects or disconnects.


    • clientList - The current list of connected clients.

  • CLIENT_LOADED - Internal message. Notification from a client to the server that a client has finished loading all files.


    • id - The ID of the client.

  • CLIENT_LOADING - Internal message. Notification from a client to the server that a client is loading a file.


    • id - The ID of the client.

  • CLIENT_STILL_LOADING - Internal message. Notification on a server that one or more clients are still loading files.

  • CONNECT_TO_SERVER - Connects to the specified server. The current session becomes a client of the server's session.


    • name - The name of the client.

    • host - The name of the server.

    • port - The port number on the server.

    • sync - True to synchronize the client's internal clock from the server clock.

  • DISCONNECT_FROM_SERVER - Disconnects this session from the server.

  • END_SERVER - Stops the server associated with the current session.


    • port - The port number that the server is listening on.

  • EXECUTE_MODULE - Similar to EXECUTE_SCRIPT, except that we pass in the already loaded module (which should have instantiate method) instead of the name of the module to load.


    • scriptName - The name of the script to execute.

    • scriptModule - The pre-loaded module with instantiate() method.

  • EXECUTE_SCRIPT - Executes the specified Python script.


    • scriptName - The name of the script to execute.

  • HOST_PORT_CHANGED - Updates the current hosting port.


    • port - Unicode representation of the new port number.

  • LOCK_LOD - Locks the level of detail on all objects to the given percentage.


    • percent - The level of detail on all objects: percentage (0-100).

  • LOCK_MIN_FPS - Sets a minumum framerate. The viewer will try to keep the framerate above the given value. However, it will not let the level of detail quality go below the given percentage.


    • fps - The minimum frame rate.

    • minQuality - The minimum level of detail quality: percentage (0-100). For no minimum quality, set to 0.

  • NETWORK_CONNECTION_CHANGED - Indicates that a network connection from the named host has been accepted or rejected.


    • accepted - True if the connection was accepted, False otherwise.

    • host - The address of the connection.

  • NEW_CLIENT_ID - Notifies the client of their unique client ID once they successfully connect to the server.


    • ID - The new client ID.

    • serverClock - The time on the server.

  • SERVER_STATUS - Indicates the status of the server to show whether it is ready to host or not.


    • serverRunning - The server status.

    • sessionName - The name of the session the server is hosting.

    • machineName - The name of the host machine.

    • port - The port number for the session.

    • msg - The message to display to the user.

  • SET_2D_UI_ROOT - Sets the root node for 2D UI. Any nodes that represent 2D UI should be added in this root's subgraph.


    • uiRoot - The node to be set as the 2D UI root. (See "awScene::Group" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • SET_3D_UI_ROOT - Sets the root node for 3D UI. Any nodes that represent 3D UI should be added in this root's subgraph.


    • uiRoot - The node to be set as the 3D UI root. (See "awScene::Group" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • SET_DOCUMENT - Sets a new document, updates heads-up display, and initializes document data everywhere.


    • document - The new document being set.

  • SET_DRAW_ROOT - Sets a new scene draw root node. All objects are attached to this root.


    • drawRoot - The group node to be set as the new draw root. (See "awScene::Group" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • SET_ORTHO_DRAW_ROOT - Sets a new scene orthographic draw root node. All objects that need to be drawn orthographically are attached to this root.


    • orthoDrawRoot - The node to be set as the new orthographic draw root. (See "awScene::Group" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • SPECTATOR_HOST_CHANGED - Updates the name of the spectator's (client's) host.


    • hostName - The new host name in unicode.

  • SPECTATOR_PORT_CHANGED - Updates the current spectator (client) port.


    • port - The new port number in unicode.

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_REQUEST_PARAMETERS - Requests spotlight presentation pointer information from the host when the client connects to a host machine, triggering messages from the host that any listening clients then use to synchronize themselves with the host's spotlight state.

  • VIEWER_SET_LAYOUT - Splits the window into multiple viewports. For example, two viewports side-by-side will split the window into left and right sides, with matching camera positions.


    • howMany - The number of viewports. Currently, the maximum number is 2.

    • layout - 'SideBySide' or 'Single'.