Behaviors Messages

  • ACTION - Activates the triggers that respond to the specified command.


    • command - The trigger's command.

  • ADD_BEHAVIOR - Adds a behavior to the list of behaviors.


    • behaviorInfo - List containing a behavior object and name: [Behavior Object, Behavior Name].

  • ADD_TRIGGER - Adds a trigger to the list of triggers.


    • trigger - The trigger to be added.

  • BEHAVIORS_LINK - Links a list of behaviors together so they will play in sync.


    • behaviors - List of behavior names to link.

  • BEHAVIORS_LINKED - Indicates that a list of behaviors have been linked together.


    • behaviors - List of linked behavior names.

  • BEHAVIORS_LINK_BYLABEL - Links a list of behaviors together so they will play in sync.


    • behaviors - List of behavior names to link.

  • BEHAVIORS_UNLINK - Unlinks (removes) a list of behaviors (or single behavior) from a behavior grouping.


    • behaviors - List of behavior names to unlink.

  • BEHAVIORS_UNLINKED - Indicates that a list of behaviors (or single behavior) have been unlinked.


    • behaviors - List of unlinked behavior names.

  • BEHAVIORS_UNLINK_BYLABEL - Unlinks (removes) a list of behaviors (or single behavior) from a behavior grouping.


    • behaviors - List of behavior names to unlink.

  • BEHAVIOR_ADD_NODES - Adds specified nodes to the specified behavior. If no nodes have been specified, then the selected nodes will be added to the specified behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to add to.

    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to add to the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_ADD_NODES_BYLABEL - Adds specified nodes to the specified behavior. If no nodes have been specified, then the selected nodes will be added to the specified behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to add to.

    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to add to the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_ADD_TIMEDOBJECTS - Adds specified objects to the specified behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to add to.

    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to add to the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_CHANGED - Indicates that a parameter has changed on the behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior that changed.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter that changed.

  • BEHAVIOR_CREATE - Creates a default copy of a library behavior and adds it to the list of scene behaviors.


    • behaviorType - The type of behavior to create. Currently, only TurnTableBehavior is supported. If you add your own behavior, use the name of the module.

    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to create.

  • BEHAVIOR_CREATED - Indicates that a library behavior has been successfully created.


    • behaviorType - The type of behavior that was created.

    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior that was created.

    • details - Further details on the created behavior. Vary depending on the type.

  • BEHAVIOR_DELETE - Deletes a behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to delete.

  • BEHAVIOR_DELETED - Indicates that a behavior was deleted.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior that was deleted.

  • BEHAVIOR_DUPLICATE - Duplicates a behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to duplicate.

  • BEHAVIOR_DUPLICATED - Indicates that a behavior was duplicated.


    • behaviorName - The name of the newly duplicated behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_ENABLE - Starts or stops the given behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to start/stop.

    • enable - True to start the behavior, False to stop it.

  • BEHAVIOR_ENABLE_BYLABEL - Starts or stops the given behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to start/stop.

    • enable - True to start the behavior, False to stop it.

  • BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE - Executes a method on the specified behavior. The behavior method, depending on the behavior in question, is one or all of the following: PlayFromStart, Pause, Continue, StopAndResetToStart, StopAndResetToEnd, ContinueForward, ContinueBackward.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

    • behaviorMethod - The method to execute on the specified behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTED - Indicates that a method on the specified behavior was executed.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

    • behaviorMethod - The method that was executed on the specified behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTED_EX - Indicates that a method on the specified behavior was executed.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

    • behaviorMethod - The method that was executed on the specified behavior.

    • returnTuple - The tuple for return values.

  • BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE_ALL - Executes a method on all behaviors.


    • behaviorMethod - See BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE.

  • BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE_BYLABEL - Allows a BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE message to be sent by specifying labels instead of names. Since labels need not be unique, and since wildcards are allowed (but comparisons are case-sensitive), more than one behavior may match. If so, then a BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE message will be sent for each matching behavior.


    • label - Behavior label.

    • behaviorMethod - See BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE.

  • BEHAVIOR_METHOD_EXECUTE_EX - Executes a method on the passed bahavior with parameters passes as a tuple. The method returns a tuple which is returned in the executed message.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

    • behaviorMethod - The method to execute on the specified behavior.

    • parameterTuple - The tuple for parameters.

  • BEHAVIOR_PARAMETER_CHANGE - Changes the specified parameter value for a behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to change the parameter on.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter to change.

    • parameterValue - The new tuple of the new parameter value(s). If a single value, it still needs to be made into a tuple. For example, when setting axis value (0,0,1), the correct argument to give is ((0,0,1),)

  • BEHAVIOR_PARAMETER_CHANGE_BYLABEL - Changes the specified parameter value for a behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to change the parameter on.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter to change.

    • parameterValue - The new tuple of the new parameter value(s). If a single value, it still needs to be made into a tuple. For example, when setting axis value (0,0,1), the correct argument to give is ((0,0,1),)

  • BEHAVIOR_REMOVE_NODES - Removes specified nodes from the specified behavior. If no nodes have been specified, then the selected nodes will be removed from that behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to delete from.

    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to remove from the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_REMOVE_NODES_BYLABEL - Removes specified nodes from the specified behavior. If no nodes have been specified, then the selected nodes will be removed from that behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to delete from.

    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to remove from the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_REMOVE_TIMEDOBJECTS - Removes specified objects from the specified behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to delete from.

    • target1, ..., targetN - The IDs of objects to remove from the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_SAVE_THUMBNAIL - Saves a thumbnail image for a behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_SAVE_THUMBNAIL_BYLABEL - Saves a thumbnail image for a behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_SELECT_ASSIGNED - Selects nodes that are assigned to this behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

    • visibleOnly - True to select visible nodes only, False to select all nodes.

  • BEHAVIOR_SELECT_ASSIGNED_BYLABEL - Selects nodes that are assigned to this behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

    • visibleOnly - True to select visible nodes only, False to select all nodes.

  • BEHAVIOR_START - Starts playing a given behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to start.

    • frameTime - The start time of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_STARTED - Indicates that a behavior started successfully.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to start.

    • frameTime - The start time of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_START_BYLABEL - Starts playing a given behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to start.

    • frameTime - The start time of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_STOP - Stops playing a given behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to stop.

    • frameTime - The stop time of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_STOPPED - Indicates that a behavior stopped successfully.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior that stopped.

    • frameTime - The stop time of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_STOP_ALL - Stops all behaviors currently active.

  • BEHAVIOR_STOP_BYLABEL - Stops playing a given behavior.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior to stop.

    • frameTime - The stop time of the behavior.

  • BEHAVIOR_THUMBNAIL_SAVED - Indicates that a BEHAVIOR_SAVE_THUMBNAIL action message has finished saving a behavior thumbnail.


    • behaviorName - The name of the behavior.

  • TRIGGER - Activates the triggers that respond to the specified command.


    • command - The trigger's command.

  • TRIGGER_ITEM_ADD - Connects an item to a trigger as activator.


    • index - The index where the item is to be inserted into the trigger, since triggers do not allow several objects always use -1 to replace.

    • triggerId - The identifier of the trigger to change. '' should affect current selection

    • type - The type of the item.

    • values - The ID or IDs representing the item, as well as the action taken.

  • TRIGGER_ITEM_ADDED - Indicates that an item was added to a trigger.


    • index - The index where the item was inserted into the trigger, since triggers do not allow several objects always use -1 to replace.

    • slideId - The identifier of the trigger that was changed. '' should affect current selection

    • type - The type of the item.

    • values - The ID or IDs representing the item, as well as the action taken.