Appearance Messages

  • AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_CHANGE_TYPE - Set the active ambient occlusion type.


    • type - Ambient occlusion type: kSSAO or kBakedAO.

  • AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_SHOW - Show/hide the ambient occlusion.


    • show - True to show ambient occlusion, False otherwise

  • AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_SHOWN - Indicate whether the ambient occlusion is shown and what the active type is.


    • show - True if ambient occlusion is shown, False otherwise

    • type - Active ambient occlusion type: kSSAO or kBakedAO.

  • APPEARANCE_PARAMETERS_CHANGE - As APPEARANCE_PARAMETER_CHANGE, but take a tuple for each of the non-target parameters and set them all appropriately. All the parameter tuples should be the same length.


    • targetIds - A tuple of node IDs.

    • parameterCategories - The category of the parameter: 0 - unknown; 1 - object; 2 - material; 3 - lighting.

    • parameterNames - The name of the parameter. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • parameterData - The parameter data in string format.

    • forceCreations - If True, and the parameter doesn't exist, the parameter is created using the format specified in the following argument.

    • createdTypes - If parameter creation was forced, use this type: 0 - String; 1 - Double; 2 - Array of 2 doubles; 3 - Array of 3 doubles; 4 - Array of 4 doubles; 5 - AffineMatrix; 6 - ProjMatrix; 7 - File. (See 'enum Type' under "awSupport:Parameter" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • APPEARANCE_PARAMETERS_CHANGE_BYLABEL - As APPEARANCE_PARAMETER_CHANGE, but take a tuple for each of the non-target parameters and set them all appropriately. All the parameter tuples should be the same length.


    • targetIds - A tuple of node IDs.

    • parameterCategories - The category of the parameter: 0 - unknown; 1 - object; 2 - material; 3 - lighting.

    • parameterNames - The name of the parameter. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • parameterData - The parameter data in string format.

    • forceCreations - If True, and the parameter doesn't exist, the parameter is created using the format specified in the following argument.

    • createdTypes - If parameter creation was forced, use this type: 0 - String; 1 - Double; 2 - Array of 2 doubles; 3 - Array of 3 doubles; 4 - Array of 4 doubles; 5 - AffineMatrix; 6 - ProjMatrix; 7 - File. (See 'enum Type' under "awSupport:Parameter" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • APPEARANCE_PARAMETER_CHANGE - Changes a material parameter, given the node ID, the parameter name, and the new data to set.


    • targetIds - A tuple of node IDs.

    • parameterCategory - The category of the parameter: 0 - unknown; 1 - object; 2 - material; 3 - lighting.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • parameterData - The parameter data in string format.

    • forceCreation - If True, and the parameter doesn't exist, the parameter is created using the format specified in the following argument.

    • createdType - If parameter creation was forced, use this type: 0 - String; 1 - Double; 2 - Array of 2 doubles; 3 - Array of 3 doubles; 4 - Array of 4 doubles; 5 - AffineMatrix; 6 - ProjMatrix; 7 - File. (See 'enum Type' under "awSupport:Parameter" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • APPEARANCE_PARAMETER_CHANGED - Indicates that a material parameter was changed.


    • targetIds - A tuple of node IDs that were affected.

    • parameterCategory - The category of the modified parameter: 0 - unknown; 1 - object; 2 - material; 3 - lighting.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter that was changed.

    • parameterData - The new value for this parameter.

  • APPEARANCE_SET_LAYER_VISIBILITY - Set the visibility of a layer.


    • nodeIds - A tuple of node ids.

    • layer - The layer, specified by layer index or material id.

    • isVisible - The new visibility state.

  • ASSIGN_EXISTING_MATERIAL - Assigns the material of the given name to the given list of targets. If the target is empty, then the material is assigned to the currently selected objects.


    • materialName - The name of existing material to assign.

    • targets - The IDs of the objects to assign the material to.

  • ASSIGN_LIBRARY_MATERIAL - Assigns the library material of the given name to the given list of targets. If the target is empty, the material is assigned to the currently selected objects.


    • materialName - The names of existing material to assign.

    • targets - The IDs of the objects to assign the material to.

  • BLOOM_PARAMETER_CHANGED - Indicates that the named bloom parameter was changed.


    • paramName - The name of the bloom parameter that was changed.

    • newValue - The new value of the bloom parameter.

  • BLOOM_SET_PARAMETER - Sets the named bloom parameter.


    • paramName - The name of the bloom parameter to be set.

    • newValue - The new value of the bloom parameter.

  • CLIP_GRIPS_SHOWN - Indicates that the display of the clip grips has been enabled or disabled.


    • clipGripsShown - True to display clip grips, False to hide them.

  • CLIP_SHOW_GRIPS - Shows the clip grips.


    • showClipGrips - True to display clip grips, False to hide them.

  • COPY_MATERIAL - Adds the material on the given target to the copy buffer. If no target is specified, copies the material from the currently selected target. Works only if one target is given, or one target is currently selected.


    • targets - The IDs of the objects to copy material from.

  • DISPLAY_ANTIALIASING_ON_IDLE - Toggles an option to enable or increase the anti-aliasing quality when there is an idle event.


    • enableAntiAliasOnIdle - True to enable the quality of the anti-aliasing on idle events.

    • increaseAntiAliasOnIdle - True to gradually increase the quality of the anti-aliasing on idle events, False to increase it immediately to the highest level.

  • DISPLAY_AUTO_MIN_ANTIALIAS - Sets the minimum anti-aliasing quality when the automatic quality is on. For no minimum quality, set minQuality to 0.


    • minAntiAliasLevel - The minimum anti-aliasing quality: (0-9).

  • DISPLAY_DISABLE_ANTIALIAS_DRAW - Disables the anti-alias draw.


    • disableAntiAliasDraw - True to disable anti-alias draw, False to enable it.

  • DISPLAY_IGNORE_IDLE_REFRESH - Ignores the idle refresh to avoid starting the anti-alias draw.


    • ignoreIdleRefresh - True to ignore, False otherwise.

  • DISPLAY_IMPROVE_ON_IDLE - Toggles an option to improve the quality of the models (level of detail) when there is idle event.


    • improveOnIdle - True to improve the quality of the models on idle events.

  • DISPLAY_LOCK_ANTIALIAS - Locks the scene anti-aliasing setting at the given value.


    • lockAntiAliasLevel - The scene anti-aliasing value: (0-9)

  • DISPLAY_MLAA_CHANGED - Indicates that the MLAA value has changed.


    • newValue - New MLAA value

  • DISPLAY_SET_MLAA - Sets the MLAA value.


    • newValue - New MLAA value

  • DISPLAY_SET_STYLE_PARAMETER - Sets the value of a style parameter.


    • paramGroupName - Name of the style parameter group: "style" or "ssao".

    • paramName - The name of the style parameter to change.

    • paramValue - The new value of the style style parameter.

  • DISPLAY_STYLE_PARAMETER_CHANGED - Indicates that a style parameter value has changed.


    • paramGroupName - Name of the style parameter group: "style" or "ssao".

    • paramName - The name of the style parameter that was changed.

    • paramValue - The new value of the style style parameter.

  • MATERIALS_REMOVE_FROM_LIBRARYFILE - Removes one or many materials from the chosen library.


    • materialIds - The id of the materials to be removed.

    • undoTextures - Textures temporarily saved for undo, normally empty unless sending an undo message

    • libraryFile - The file from which the target should be removed.

  • MATERIALS_SAVE_TO_LIBRARYFILE - Adds one or many materials to the chosen library.


    • materials - The XML representation of the materials to be saved.

    • undoTextures - Textures temporarily saved for undo, normally empty unless sending an undo message

    • libraryFile - The file to which the target should be saved.

    • category - The category in the target file.

  • MATERIAL_ASSIGNMENT_CHANGED - Indicates that one or more targets' material assignment has changed.


    • targets - The IDs of the objects whose material assignment has changed.

  • MATERIAL_CHANGE_PARAMETER - Changes a parameter on one or more materials.


    • materialIds - The IDs of the materials.

    • parameterName - The name of the new parameter.

    • parameterType - The type of the new parameter.

    • parameterValue - The value of the new parameter as a string.

    • forceCreation - If True, and the parameter doesn't exist, create it using the type specified in the following argument.

    • modifyLinked - True to cause all parameters linked to this one to be modified.

  • MATERIAL_COMPUTE_OCCLUSION - Starts computation of ambient occlusion (shadows).


    • tuple of receiver ids - A tuple of IDs corresponding to nodes that will receive ambient shadows as a result of computation.

    • rays per sample - The number of occlusion rays per sample point to cast.

    • resolution factor - A factor that influences the number of pixels in the occlusion texture map.

    • shadow spread - Aperture angle used to generate occlusion rays.

    • use drop-off - True to compute closest distances, False to just test for object hits.

    • drop-off distance - A distance used to discard rays that intersect far away objects.

    • drop-off rate - Rate of decay in the contribution of a ray based on its closest intersection distance.

    • chord length parameterization - True to sample uniformly in object space, False to sample in UV-parameterization.

    • ambient shadow correction - A factor used to correct ambient shadows by offsetting the ray's origin.

    • filter diameter - The diameter, in pixels, of the blur filter applied to occlusion textures.

    • minimum tile size - The minimum allowed size, in pixels, of a surface's occlusion sub-texture.

    • use environment floor - True to include the environment floor in the computation.

  • MATERIAL_COMPUTE_OCCLUSION_BYLABEL - Starts computation of ambient occlusion (shadows).


    • tuple of receiver ids - A tuple of IDs corresponding to nodes that will receive ambient shadows as a result of computation.

    • rays per sample - The number of occlusion rays per sample point to cast.

    • resolution factor - A factor that influences the number of pixels in the occlusion texture map.

    • shadow spread - Aperture angle used to generate occlusion rays.

    • use drop-off - True to compute closest distances, False to just test for object hits.

    • drop-off distance - A distance used to discard rays that intersect far away objects.

    • drop-off rate - Rate of decay in the contribution of a ray based on its closest intersection distance.

    • chord length parameterization - True to sample uniformly in object space, False to sample in UV-parameterization.

    • ambient shadow correction - A factor used to correct ambient shadows by offsetting the ray's origin.

    • filter diameter - The diameter, in pixels, of the blur filter applied to occlusion textures.

    • minimum tile size - The minimum allowed size, in pixels, of a surface's occlusion sub-texture.

    • use environment floor - True to include the environment floor in the computation.

  • MATERIAL_COPIED - Indicates that a material has been copied onto the clipboard.


    • Name - The name of the material that was copied onto the clipboard.

  • MATERIAL_CREATE - Internal message. Creates a scene material given its XML representation.


    • material - The XML representation of the material to be created and added to the scene.

  • MATERIAL_CREATED - Indicates that a material has been created and added to the scene.


    • materialName - The name of the scene material that was created.

  • MATERIAL_DELETE - Deletes the scene material with the given name.


    • materialName - The name of the scene material to be deleted.

  • MATERIAL_DELETED - Indicates that a scene material has been deleted.


    • materialName - The name of the scene material that was deleted.

  • MATERIAL_DELETE_ALL_LAYERS - Removes all layer materials from the given target nodes.


    • targetIds - The ids of the nodes whose layer materials will be removed.

  • MATERIAL_DELETE_AS_LAYER - Internal message. Deletes the material with the given ID as a layer from the target nodes.


    • materialId - The ID of the material to be deleted.

    • targetIds - The IDs of the target nodes.

  • MATERIAL_DELETE_UNUSED - Deletes the unused materials in the document.

  • MATERIAL_DUPLICATE - Duplicates the material with the given name and adds it to the scene.


    • materialName - The name of the material to duplicate.

    • isSceneMaterial - True if the material is a scene material, False if it is a library material.

  • MATERIAL_DUPLICATED - Indicates that the material was duplicated and added to the scene.


    • originalName - The name of the material that was duplicated.

    • duplicateName - The name of the duplicate.

  • MATERIAL_ENABLE_SWATCH_GENERATION - Enables/disables the generation of the material swatches.


    • enable - True to enable swatch generation, False to disable swatch generation.

  • MATERIAL_GROUP_CREATE - Creates an empty material file on disk and loads it into showcase as a material category.


    • path - The directory where the materialfile is created.

    • filename - The full name of the materialfile.

    • label - The label shown in the UI

  • MATERIAL_GROUP_DELETE - Unloads the specified category in showcase and deletes the corresponding materialfile on disk. This operation is NOT undoable.


    • path - The directory containing the materialfile.

    • filename - The full name of the materialfile.

  • MATERIAL_GROUP_RENAME - Renames the specified material group.


    • groupName - The name of the material group, , compound of library id and group id.

    • newName - The new name of the material group.

  • MATERIAL_INSERT_AS_LAYER - Internal message. Inserts the material with the given ID as a layer at the given index for the target nodes.


    • materialId - The ID of the material to be inserted.

    • targetIds - The IDs of the target nodes.

    • isSceneMaterial - True if the material is a scene material, False if it is a library material.

    • index - The index of the layer at which the material should be inserted. If -1, the material is appended.

  • MATERIAL_LAYER_REPLACED - Indicates that a layer material has been replaced with a different material.


    • targetIds - The layers, specified as a tuple of (oldMaterialId, nodeId) pairs.

    • newMaterialId - The id of the new material that replaced the old ones.

  • MATERIAL_LIBRARY_RENAME - Renames the specified material library.


    • libraryId - The id of the material library.

    • newName - The new name of the library. If None, the name will be reset to the original.

  • MATERIAL_LIST - Lists the materials currently in the library.


    • materials - The names of the materials in the library.

  • MATERIAL_LOAD_LIBRARY_PATHS - Loads the materials from the given files into the library.


    • materialFilePaths - A tuple consisting of the material files to load.

  • MATERIAL_MOVE_LAYER - Rearrange layer materials.


    • targetIds - The layers, specified as a tuple of (materialId, nodeId) pairs.

    • index - The new index of the material.

    • absolute - True if the new index is absolute, False if it is a relative offset.

  • MATERIAL_OCCLUSION_COMPUTE_CANCELLED - Indicates that computation of ambient occlusion (shadows) has been cancelled.

  • MATERIAL_OCCLUSION_COMPUTE_FINISHED - Indicates that computation of ambient occlusion (shadows) has completed.

  • MATERIAL_OCCLUSION_RECOMPILE_FINISHED - Indicates that recompilation of ambient occlusion (shadow) receivers has completed.

  • MATERIAL_REMOVE_OCCLUSION - Remove the ambient occlusion from objects.


    • tuple of ids - A tuple of IDs corresponding to nodes that will have their ambient shadows removed.

  • MATERIAL_RENAME - Renames the specified scene material. If the material does not exist, the operation does nothing.


    • materialId - The id of the material in the scene.

    • newName - The new name of the material.

  • MATERIAL_RENAMED - Indicates that the MATERIAL_RENAME operation completed successfully.


    • materialId - The id of the material in the scene.

    • newName - The new name of the material.

  • MATERIAL_REPLACE_LAYER - Replace a layer material with a different material.


    • targetIds - The layers, specified as a tuple of (materialId, nodeId) pairs.

    • newMaterialId - The id of the new material.

  • MATERIAL_SWATCH_SNAPPED - Indicates that a material swatch image has just been generated.


    • material - The name of the material used in the swatch image.

    • filename - The filename of the swatch image.

  • MATERIAL_UNLOAD_LIBRARY_PATHS - Unloads the materials from the given files from the library.


    • materialFilePaths - A tuple consisting of the material files to unload.

  • MODEL_TOGGLE_SELECTION_HIGHLIGHT - Toggles model highlighting.


    • toHighlight - True to make model highlighting visible, False otherwise.

  • PASTE_MATERIAL - Assigns the most recently copied material to the given targets. If no targets are specified, works on the current selection.


    • targets - The IDs of the objects to assign the material to.

  • RT_PRESET_QUALITY_CHANGED - Indicates that the quality parameters for Raytracing changed.


    • minRate - Obsolete, but will return the value sent in by SET_RT_PRESET_QUALITY.

    • maxRate - Obsolete, but will return the value sent in by SET_RT_PRESET_QUALITY.

    • progressive - Obsolete, but will return the value sent in by SET_RT_PRESET_QUALITY.

    • preset - Preset quality for raytracing

  • SET_RT_PRESET_QUALITY - Sets the quality parameters for Raytracing.


    • minRate - Obsolete and ignored. Previously minumum sampling quality.

    • maxRate - Obsolete and ignored. Previously maximum sampling quality.

    • progressive - Obsolete and ignored. Previously increase sample quality.

    • preset - Preset quality for raytracing

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_CENTER_POSITION - Sets the X and Y value of the center of the spotlight presentation pointer.


    • xpos - The x position of the spotlight in pixels.

    • ypos - The y position of the spotlight in pixels.

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_DECREASE_SCALE_FACTOR - Decreases the size of the spotlight presentation pointer by the default increment amount.

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_INCREASE_SCALE_FACTOR - Increases the size of the spotlight presentation pointer by the default increment amount.

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_LOCK - Sets whether the spotlight presentation pointer should be allowed to move around or stay in position.


    • lock - True or False.

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_MOUSE_POSITION - Indicates the X and Y value of the mouse position.


    • xpos - x position in pixels.

    • ypos - y position in pixels.

  • SPOTLIGHT_UI_SCALE_FACTOR - Sets the scaling factor for the percentage of the screen space the spotlight presentation pointer takes up.


    • scale - Scale value: [0.01, 1.0].

  • SSAO_PARAMETERS_CHANGE - As SSAO_PARAMETER_CHANGE, but take tuples of parameter name/value and set them appropriately. Name tuple and value tuple should be the same length.


    • parameterNames - The name of the parameter.

    • parameterValues - The parameter value in string format.

  • SSAO_PARAMETER_CHANGE - Changes a SSAO parameter, given the parameter name, and the new value to set.


    • parameterName - The name of the parameter.

    • parameterValue - The parameter value in string format.

  • SSAO_PARAMETER_CHANGED - Indicates that a SSAO parameter was changed.


    • parameterName - The name of the parameter that was changed.

    • parameterValue - The new value for this parameter.

  • STYLES_ACTIVE_CHANGED - Indicates that the active state of a style has changed.

  • STYLES_EXECUTE - Executes the named style from the styles library.


    • styleId - The id of the style to execute, valid values are 'RealisticNS', 'RealisticAS', 'RealisticShadows', 'RealisticSAS' 'RTAS', 'NPRFlatColor', 'NPRToonColor', 'NPRShadedTextures', 'NPRTech', 'NPRRealisticEdges', 'NPRAOwithShadowsAndEdges', 'NPRScannedStroke', 'NPRStrokeAndPencil', 'DiagnosticWireframe', 'DiagnosticNormals' and 'DiagnosticAS'.

  • STYLES_EXECUTED - Indicates that the named style from the styles library has been executed.


    • styleId - The id of the style that was executed, see message STYLES_EXECUTE for valid style ids.

  • STYLES_UNCHANGED - Indicates that a STYLES_EXECUTE message was received, but the style was not changed because it is already active.


    • styleId - The id of the style that was requested.

  • TEXTURE_LOCATOR_MATRIX_TRANSFORM - Sets the texture transform (object to unit cube) on the selected locator targets. This function takes in a matrix transforming the unit cube to world space, and computes the object to unit cube matrix for all specified model targets associated to the decal locators.


    • targets - The list of locator targets whose associated models texture matrix will be set. If set to none, all selected locators will be used.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter representing the projection matrix to transform.

    • matrix - An affine matrix (represented as a tuple) which transforms the unit cube to world space.

    • relative - True to multiply texture matrices of all models by the matrix, False to assign the texture matrix.

  • TEXTURE_MATRIX_TRANSFORM - Sets the texture transform (object to unit cube) on the selcted targets. This function takes in a matrix transforming the unit cube to world space, and computes the object to unit cube matrix for all specified targets.


    • targets - The list of targets whose texture matrix will be set. If set to none, all selected objects will be modified.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter representing the projection matrix to transform.

    • matrix - An affine matrix (represented as a tuple) which transforms the unit cube to world space.

    • relative - True to multiply texture matrices of all targets by the matrix, False to assign the texture matrix.

  • TEXTURE_MATRIX_TRANSFORM_BYLABEL - Sets the texture transform (object to unit cube) on the selcted targets. This function takes in a matrix transforming the unit cube to world space, and computes the object to unit cube matrix for all specified targets.


    • targets - The list of targets whose texture matrix will be set. If set to none, all selected objects will be modified.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter representing the projection matrix to transform.

    • matrix - An affine matrix (represented as a tuple) which transforms the unit cube to world space.

    • relative - True to multiply texture matrices of all targets by the matrix, False to assign the texture matrix.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_DONE - Indicates that the texture transform mode has ended.


    • parameterDictionary - A dictionary containing any number of parameter names that were affected in this mode. They are specified as: { type : name }.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_DRAG_ENDED - Indicates that the user has just completed a click-drag-release cycle with the texture transform tool.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_DRAG_PIVOT_DONE - Indicates that interactive pivot positioning drag has ended.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_DRAG_PIVOT_STARTED - Indicates that interactive pivot positioning drag has started.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_DRAG_STARTED - Indicates that the user has just started a click-drag-release cycle with the texture transform tool.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_END - Switches out of texture transform mode.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_FIT - Automatically scales the texture parameter to fit the bounding box of the given objects. If no objects are specified, then the currently selected objects are used.


    • objectIds - The objects to be modified.

    • projectionType - The type of projection in effect: 'planar', 'cylinder', or 'triplanar'.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter to affect. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • imageRatio - The ratio of image width to height that should be fit

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_GLUE - Expose the objects to the current texture projection, recording where it was done. If no objects are specified, then the currently selected objects are used.


    • objectIds - The objects to be modified.

    • projectionType - The type of projection in effect: 'planar', 'cylinder', or 'triplanar'.

    • parameterName - The name of the parameter to affect. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • imageRatio - The ratio of image width to height

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_PIVOT_DONE - Indicates that the application is no longer modifying the texture transform pivot.


    • parameterDictionary - A dictionary containing any number of parameter names that were affected in this mode. They are specified as: { type : name }.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_PIVOT_STARTED - Indicates that the application is now modifying the texture transform pivot.


    • parameterDictionary - A dictionary containing any number of parameter names that will be affected in this mode. They are specified as: { type : name }. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_SET_PIVOT - Sets the texture transform pivot point to the world space coordinates provided.


    • pivot - The pivot point in world space represented as a tuple.

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_START - Switches into texture transform mode.


    • parameterDictionary - A dictionary containing any number of parameter names to transform. (See "Class ParameterConstant" in the Showcase API Reference documentation.)

    • projectionType - The name of the texture projection type.

    • onlyMaterials - If True, allow no selection

  • TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_STARTED - Texture transform mode start response message.


    • parameterDictionary - A dictionary containing any number of parameter names that will be affected in this mode. They are specified as: { type : name }.