
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <math.h>

#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MSimple.h>
#include <maya/MTimer.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MThreadAsync.h>
#include <maya/MThreadPool.h>
#include <maya/MSpinLock.h>
#include <maya/MMutexLock.h>

DeclareSimpleCommand( threadTestWithLocksCmd, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "2008");

#define NUM_TASKS           32
#define NUM_ASYNC_TASKS 13

MThreadRetVal Pi(void *data);

typedef struct _threadDataTag
    int threadNo;
    double pi, step, *globalPi;
    int start, end;
    MSpinLock *spinLock;
    MMutexLock *mutexLock;


typedef struct _taskDataTag
    int      iterations;
    double    totalPi;


// Pi computation. This function is called from a single thread
double CalcPiSingleThreaded(int iterations)
    double pi = 0;
    double step = 1.0/double(iterations);
    for( int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
        double x = step * ((double)i-0.5);
        pi += 4.0 / (1.0 + x*x);
    pi /= double(iterations);
    return pi;

// Pi computation. This function is called from multiple threads
MThreadRetVal Pi(void *data)
    threadData *myData = (threadData *)data;
    double pi = 0;

    for( int i = myData->start; i < myData->end; i++ )
        double x = myData->step * ((double)i-0.5);
        pi += 4.0 / (1.0 + x*x);
    myData->pi = pi;

    return (MThreadRetVal)0;

// Function to create thread tasks
void DecomposePi(void *data, MThreadRootTask *root)
    taskData *taskD = (taskData *)data;

    int iterationsPerTask = taskD->iterations/NUM_TASKS;
    int limit;

    threadData tdata[NUM_TASKS];

    if( tdata )
        double step = 1.0f/taskD->iterations;

        for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
            limit                = (i+1)*iterationsPerTask;
            tdata[i].threadNo    = i;
            tdata[i].pi          = 0;
            tdata[i].start       = i*iterationsPerTask;
            limit                = tdata[i].start + iterationsPerTask;
            tdata[i].end         = ( limit < taskD->iterations) ? limit : taskD->iterations;
            tdata[i].step        = step;

            MThreadPool::createTask(Pi, (void *)&tdata[i], root);


        for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
            taskD->totalPi += tdata[i].pi;

// Set up and tear down parallel tasks
double CalcPi(int iterations)
    double              Pi = 0;
    taskData            tdata;

    tdata.iterations = 0; tdata.totalPi = 0;
    MStatus pr = MThreadPool::init();
    if( MStatus::kSuccess == pr )
        tdata.iterations  = iterations;
        tdata.totalPi     = 0;
        MThreadPool::newParallelRegion(DecomposePi, (void *)&tdata);
        Pi = tdata.totalPi/iterations;

    return Pi;

// Pi computation with spin-lock. This function is called from multiple threads
MThreadRetVal SpinSyncPi(void *data)
    threadData *myData = (threadData *)data;
    double pi = 0;

    for( int i = myData->start; i < myData->end; i++ )
        double x = myData->step * ((double)i-0.5);
        pi += 4.0 / (1.0 + x*x);
    (*myData->globalPi) += pi;

    return 0;

// Function to create thread tasks
void DecomposeSpinSyncPi(void *data, MThreadRootTask *root)
    taskData *taskD = (taskData *)data;

    int iterationsPerTask = taskD->iterations/NUM_TASKS;
    int limit;
    MStatus pr = MStatus::kSuccess;

    MSpinLock* spinLock = new MSpinLock();
    if( MStatus::kSuccess == pr )

        threadData tdata[NUM_TASKS];

        if( tdata )
            double step = 1.0f/taskD->iterations;

            for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
                limit                = (i+1)*iterationsPerTask;
                tdata[i].threadNo    = i;
                tdata[i].pi          = 0;
                tdata[i].globalPi    = &taskD->totalPi;
                tdata[i].start       = i*iterationsPerTask;
                limit                = tdata[i].start + iterationsPerTask;
                tdata[i].end         = ( limit < taskD->iterations) ? limit : taskD->iterations;
                tdata[i].step        = step;
                tdata[i].spinLock       = spinLock;

                MThreadPool::createTask(SpinSyncPi, (void *)&tdata[i], root);


            for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
                taskD->totalPi += tdata[i].pi;
    // Free resources and delete lock
    delete spinLock;

// Pi computation with mutex lock. This function is called from multiple threads
MThreadRetVal MutexSyncPi(void *data)
    threadData *myData = (threadData *)data;
    double pi = 0;

    for( int i = myData->start; i < myData->end; i++ )
        double x = myData->step * ((double)i-0.5);
        pi += 4.0 / (1.0 + x*x);
    (*myData->globalPi) += pi;

    return 0;

// Function to create thread tasks
void DecomposeMutexSyncPi(void *data, MThreadRootTask *root)
    taskData *taskD = (taskData *)data;

    int iterationsPerTask = taskD->iterations/NUM_TASKS;
    int limit;
    MStatus pr = MStatus::kSuccess;

    MMutexLock* mutexLock = new MMutexLock();
    if( MStatus::kSuccess == pr )

        threadData tdata[NUM_TASKS];

        if( tdata )
            double step = 1.0f/taskD->iterations;

            for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
                limit                = (i+1)*iterationsPerTask;
                tdata[i].threadNo    = i;
                tdata[i].pi          = 0;
                tdata[i].globalPi    = &taskD->totalPi;
                tdata[i].start       = i*iterationsPerTask;
                limit                = tdata[i].start + iterationsPerTask;
                tdata[i].end         = ( limit < taskD->iterations) ? limit : taskD->iterations;
                tdata[i].step        = step;
                tdata[i].mutexLock       = mutexLock;

                MThreadPool::createTask(MutexSyncPi, (void *)&tdata[i], root);


            for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
                taskD->totalPi += tdata[i].pi;
    // Free resources and delete lock
    delete mutexLock;

// Set up and tear down parallel tasks
double CalcSpinSyncPi(int iterations)
    double              Pi = 0;
    taskData            tdata;
    MStatus pr = MThreadPool::init();
    if( MStatus::kSuccess == pr )
        tdata.iterations  = iterations;
        tdata.totalPi     = 0;
        MThreadPool::newParallelRegion(DecomposeSpinSyncPi, (void *)&tdata);

        Pi = tdata.totalPi/iterations;
    return Pi;

// Set up and tear down parallel tasks
double CalcMutexSyncPi(int iterations)
    double              Pi = 0;
    taskData            tdata;
    MStatus pr = MThreadPool::init();
    if( MStatus::kSuccess == pr )
        tdata.iterations  = iterations;
        tdata.totalPi     = 0;
        MThreadPool::newParallelRegion(DecomposeMutexSyncPi, (void *)&tdata);

        Pi = tdata.totalPi/iterations;

    return Pi;

// Compute pi. This function is called from multiple asynchonous threads
MThreadRetVal AsyncPi(void *data)
    threadData *myData = (threadData *)data;

    for( int i = myData->start; i < myData->end; i++ )
        double x = myData->step * ((double)i-0.5);
        myData->pi += 4.0 / (1.0 + x*x);
    return 0;

// variable to track threads. As each thread finishes it's work it
// increments this variable. The main thread will wait until this
// variable is equal to the thread count, meaning all threads have
// completed their work variable will equal the threadcount and the
static volatile int g_async_count = 0; 

static MSpinLock asyncSpinLock;

// increment thread completion variable. Uses a lock to prevent race
// conditions where two threads attempt to update the variable
// simultaneously
void AsyncCB(void *data)

static MSpinLock exchangeSpinLock;

// test if variable matches the expected value. Locks required to
// ensure threadsafe access to variables
bool Maya_InterlockedCompare(volatile int* variable, int compareValue)
    bool rtn = (*variable == compareValue);
    return rtn;

// Barrier function. Main thread enters here and polls the count
// variable until all worker threads have indicated they have
// completed by incrementing this count.
void WaitForAsyncThreads(int val)
    while( !Maya_InterlockedCompare(&g_async_count, val)) {
#if defined(_WIN32)

// Set up and tear down asynchronous thread tasks
double CalcAsyncPi(int iterations)
    double              Pi = 0;

    g_async_count = 0;
    MStatus pr = MThreadAsync::init();
    if( MStatus::kSuccess == pr )
        int iterationsPerTask = iterations/NUM_ASYNC_TASKS;
        int limit;

        threadData tdata[NUM_ASYNC_TASKS];
        double step = 1.0f/iterations;
        for( int i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_TASKS; ++i )
            limit                = (i+1)*iterationsPerTask;
            tdata[i].threadNo    = i;
            tdata[i].pi          = 0;
            tdata[i].start       = i*iterationsPerTask;
            limit                = tdata[i].start + iterationsPerTask;
            tdata[i].end         = ( limit < iterations) ? limit : iterations;
            tdata[i].step        = step;
            // start threads. Each thread makes a call to AsyncCB
            // when completed which increments a counter. The wait
            // function below waits until all threads have completed
            // and incremented this counter.
            pr = MThreadAsync::createTask(AsyncPi, (void *)&tdata[i], 
                                          AsyncCB, NULL);
            if( pr != MStatus::kSuccess )
                return 0;

        // barrier here, waits until all threads have completed before continuing
        // accumulate sum from each thread
        for( int i = 0; i < NUM_ASYNC_TASKS; ++i )
            Pi += tdata[i].pi;
        Pi /= iterations;
        MThreadAsync::release(); // release async thread
    MThreadAsync::release(); // shut down threads

    return Pi;

// MSimple command that invokes the serial and parallel thread calculations
MStatus threadTestWithLocksCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
    MString str = MString("Computation of pi using the Maya API\n");

    if(args.length() != 1) {
        MString str = MString("Invalid number of arguments, supply iteration count, usage: threadTestWithLocksCmd 100000");
        return MStatus::kFailure;

    MStatus stat;

    int iterations = args.asInt( 0, &stat );
    if ( MS::kSuccess != stat ) {
        MString str = MString("Invalid number of arguments, supply iteration count, usage: threadTestWithLocksCmd 100000");
        return MStatus::kFailure;

    double pi = 0.0;
    MString piStr;
    double elapsedTime = 0.0;
    MTimer timer;

    // run single threaded
    pi = CalcPiSingleThreaded(iterations);
    elapsedTime = timer.elapsedTime();
    piStr.set(pi, 10); // 10 digits of precision
    str = MString("Unthreaded computation, pi = ") + piStr + MString(" calculated in ") + elapsedTime + MString("s");

    // run threaded and lock-free
    pi = CalcPi(iterations);
    elapsedTime = timer.elapsedTime();
    piStr.set(pi, 10); // 10 digits of precision
    str = MString("Threaded computation, pi = ") + piStr + MString(" calculated in ") + elapsedTime + MString("s");

    // run threaded with spin-lock synchronisation
    pi = CalcSpinSyncPi(iterations);
    elapsedTime = timer.elapsedTime();
    piStr.set(pi, 10); // 10 digits of precision
    str = MString("Threaded computation with spin-lock synchronization, pi = ") + piStr + MString(" calculated in ") + elapsedTime + MString("s");

    // run threaded with mutex synchronisation
    pi = CalcMutexSyncPi(iterations);
    elapsedTime = timer.elapsedTime();
    piStr.set(pi, 10); // 10 digits of precision
    str = MString("Threaded computation with mutex synchronization, pi = ") + piStr + MString(" calculated in ") + elapsedTime + MString("s");

    // run async threaded
    pi = CalcAsyncPi(iterations);
    elapsedTime = timer.elapsedTime();
    piStr.set(pi, 10); // 10 digits of precision
    str = MString("Threaded computation with async thread, pi = ") + piStr + MString(" calculated in ") + elapsedTime + MString("s\n");

    return MStatus::kSuccess;