
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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// Example custom transform:
//  This plug-in implements an example custom transform that
//  can be used to perform a rocking motion around the X axix.
//  Geometry of any rotation can be made a child of this transform
//  to demonstrate the effect.
//  The plug-in contains two pieces:
//  1. The custom transform node -- rockingTransformCheckNode
//  2. The custom transformation matrix -- rockingTransformCheckMatrix
//  These classes are used together in order to implement the
//  rocking motion.  Note that the rock attribute is stored outside
//  of the regular transform attributes.
// MEL usage:
    // Create a rocking transform and make a rotated plane
    // its child.
    loadPlugin rockingTransformCheck;
    file -f -new;
    polyPlane -w 1 -h 1 -sx 10 -sy 10 -ax 0 1 0 -tx 1 -ch 1;
    select -r pPlane1 ;
    rotate -r -ws -15 -15 -15 ;
    createNode rockingTransformCheck;
    parent pPlane1 rockingTransformCheck1;
    setAttr rockingTransformCheck1.rockx 10;

#include <maya/MPxTransform.h>
#include <maya/MPxTransformationMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MTransformationMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>

#include "rockingTransformCheck.h"

// Initialize our static class variables
MTypeId rockingTransformCheckNode::idCheck(kRockingTransformCheckNodeID);
MTypeId rockingTransformCheckMatrix::idCheck(kRockingTransformCheckMatrixID);

// Implementation of our custom transformation matrix

//  Constructor for matrix

// Creator for matrix
void *rockingTransformCheckMatrix::creator()
    return new rockingTransformCheckMatrix();

// Implementation of our custom transform

//  Constructor of the transform node
:   ParentClass()

//  Constructor of the transform node
rockingTransformCheckNode::rockingTransformCheckNode(MPxTransformationMatrix *tm)
:   ParentClass(tm)

//  Destructor of the rocking transform

//  Method that returns the new transformation matrix
MPxTransformationMatrix *rockingTransformCheckNode::createTransformationMatrix()
    return new rockingTransformCheckMatrix();

//  Method that returns a new transform node
void *rockingTransformCheckNode::creator()
    return new rockingTransformCheckNode();

//  Debugging method
const char* rockingTransformCheckNode::className() 
    return "rockingTransformCheckNode";

//  This method allows the custom transform to apply its own locking
//  mechanism to rotation. Standard dependency graph attribute locking
//  happens automatically and cannot be modified by custom nodes.
//  If the plug should not be changed, then the value from the passed savedR
//  argument should be return to be used in the transformation matrix.
MEulerRotation rockingTransformCheckNode::applyRotationLocks(const MEulerRotation &toTest,
                                    const MEulerRotation &savedRotation,
                                    MStatus *ReturnStatus )
    // Allow the DG to handle locking.
    return toTest;
    // Implement a simple lock by checking for an existing attribute
    // Use the following MEL to add the attribute:
    //  addAttr -ln "rotateLockPlug"
    MStatus status;
    MObject object = thisMObject();
    MFnDependencyNode depNode( object );
    MObject rotateLockPlug = depNode.findPlug( "rotateLockPlug", &status );

    // If the lock does not exist that we return the updated value that has
    // been passed in
    if ( rotateLockPlug.isNull() )
        return toTest;
    // We have a lock.  Returned the original saved value of the
    // rotation.
    return savedRotation;

MEulerRotation rockingTransformCheckNode::applyRotationLimits(const MEulerRotation &unlimitedRotation,
                                      MDataBlock & /*block*/,
                                      MStatus *ReturnStatus )
    // A more complete plug-in would take this approach
    MEulerRotation newRotation = unlimitedRotation;
    MDGContext context = block.context();

    updateMatrixAttrs(minRotLimitEnable, context);
    updateMatrixAttrs(maxRotLimitEnable, context);

    double3 &minLimit = block.inputValue(minRotLimit).asDouble3();
    double3 &maxLimit = block.inputValue(maxRotLimit).asDouble3();

    unsigned ii = 0, jj = 0;
    for (jj = MFnTransform::kRotateMinX, ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii, ++jj) {
        if (isLimited((MFnTransform::LimitType)jj) && 
            newRotation[ii] < minLimit[ii]) {
            newRotation[ii] = minLimit[ii];

        if (isLimited((MFnTransform::LimitType)(++jj)) &&
            newRotation[ii] > maxLimit[ii]) {
            newRotation[ii] = maxLimit[ii];

    if ( ReturnStatus )
        *ReturnStatus = MS::kSuccess;

    return newRotation;
    // For demonstration purposes we limit the rotation to 60
    // degrees and bypass the rotation limit attributes
    DegreeRadianConverter conv;
    double degrees = conv.radiansToDegrees( unlimitedRotation.x );
    if ( degrees < 60 )
        return unlimitedRotation;
    MEulerRotation euler;
    euler.x = conv.degreesToRadians( 60.0 );
    if ( ReturnStatus )
        *ReturnStatus = MS::kSuccess;
    return euler;

//  Calls applyRotationLocks && applyRotationLimits
//  This method verifies that the passed value can be set on the 
//  rotate plugs. In the base class, limits as well as locking are
//  checked by this method.
//  The compute, validateAndSetValue, and rotateTo functions
//  all use this method.
MStatus rockingTransformCheckNode::checkAndSetRotation(MDataBlock &block,
                                    const MPlug& plug,
                                    const MEulerRotation& newRotation, 
                                    MSpace::Space space )
    const MDGContext context = block.context();

    MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
    MEulerRotation outRotation = newRotation;
    if (context.isNormal()) {
        //  For easy reading.
        MPxTransformationMatrix *xformMat = baseTransformationMatrix;

        //  Get the current translation in transform space for 
        //  clamping and locking.
        MEulerRotation savedRotation = 
            xformMat->eulerRotation(MSpace::kTransform, &status);

        //  Translate to transform space, since the limit test needs the
        //  values in transform space. The locking test needs the values
        //  in the same space as the savedR value - which is transform 
        //  space as well.
        status = baseTransformationMatrix->rotateTo(newRotation, space);

        outRotation = xformMat->eulerRotation(MSpace::kTransform, &status);

        //  Now that everything is in the same space, apply limits 
        //  and change the value to adhere to plug locking.
        outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block, &status);

        outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation, &status);

        //  The value that remain is in transform space.
        status = xformMat->rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace::kTransform);

        //  Get the value that was just set. It needs to be in transform
        //  space since it is used to set the datablock values at the
        //  end of this method. Getting the vaolue right before setting
        //  ensures that the transformation matrix and data block will
        //  be synchronized.
        outRotation = xformMat->eulerRotation(MSpace::kTransform, &status);
    } else {
        //  Get the rotation for clamping and locking. This will get the
        //  rotate value in transform space.
        double3 &s3 = block.inputValue(rotate).asDouble3();
        MEulerRotation savedRotation(s3[0], s3[1], s3[2]);

        //  Create a local transformation matrix for non-normal context
        //  calculations.
        MPxTransformationMatrix *local = createTransformationMatrix();
        if (NULL == local) {
            MGlobal::displayError("rockingTransformCheck::checkAndSetRotation internal error");
            return status;

        //  Fill the newly created transformation matrix.
        status = computeLocalTransformation(local, block);
        if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
            delete local;
            return status;

        //  Translate the values to transform space. This will allow the 
        //  limit and locking tests to work properly.
        status = local->rotateTo(newRotation, space);
        if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
            delete local;
            return status;

        outRotation = local->eulerRotation(MSpace::kTransform, &status);
        if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
            delete local;
            return status;

        //  Apply limits
        outRotation = applyRotationLimits(outRotation, block, &status);
        if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
            delete local;
            return status;

        outRotation = applyRotationLocks(outRotation, savedRotation, &status);
        if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
            delete local;
            return status;

        status = local->rotateTo(outRotation, MSpace::kTransform);
        if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
            delete local;
            return status;

        //  Get the rotate value in transform space for placement in the
        //  datablock.
        outRotation = local->eulerRotation(MSpace::kTransform, &status);
        if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
            delete local;
            return status;

        delete local;

    MDataHandle handle = block.outputValue(plug, &status);
    if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
        return status;

    if (plug == rotate) {
        handle.set(outRotation.x, outRotation.y, outRotation.z);
    } else if (plug == rotateX) {
    } else if (plug == rotateY) {
    } else {

    return status;
//  Method for returning the current rocking transformation matrix
rockingTransformCheckMatrix *rockingTransformCheckNode::getRockingTransformCheckMatrix()
    rockingTransformCheckMatrix *ltm = (rockingTransformCheckMatrix *) baseTransformationMatrix;
    return ltm;