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// polyRawExporter.h

// *****************************************************************************
// CLASS:    polyRawExporter
// *****************************************************************************
// CLASS DESCRIPTION (polyRawExporter)
// polyRawExporter is a class derived from polyExporter.  It allows the export
// of polygonal mesh data in raw text format.  The file extension for this type
// is ".raw".
// *****************************************************************************

#include "polyExporter.h"

class polyRawExporter : public polyExporter {

        virtual                 ~polyRawExporter();

        static  void*           creator();
                MString         defaultExtension () const;
                MStatus         initializePlugin(MObject obj);
                MStatus         uninitializePlugin(MObject obj);

                polyWriter*     createPolyWriter(const MDagPath dagPath, MStatus& status);
                void            writeHeader(ostream& os);

#endif /*__POLYEXPORTER_H*/