

// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

//  polyExporter.h

// *****************************************************************************
// CLASS:    polyExporter
// *****************************************************************************
// CLASS DESCRIPTION (polyExporter)
// polyExporter is a class used for creating polygonal mesh exporter plugins.  
// It is derived from the MPxFileTranslator class and thus implements the
// functions writer(), haveWriteMethod(), haveReadMethod(), and canBeOpened(),
// which are called by Maya when a scene export is executed.  This class allows
// the choice of exporting all or only selected poly meshes in the scene.
// To use this class, derive a new class and begin by adding the following *.h 
// files:
// #include <maya/MFnPlugin.h> - used for defining plugins
// #include <maya/MIOStream.h> - used for input/output operations
// #include <maya/MFStream.h>  - used for file input/output operations
// The following functions must be implemented:
// creator() - required by Maya to allocate an instance of the derived class
// initializePlugin() - required to register the plugin with Maya
// uninitializePlugin() - required to unregister the plugin with Maya
// defaultExtension() - returns an the export file type extension
// createPolyWriter() - returns a new polyWriter which performs the exporting
// For examples, see the classes polyRawExporter and polyX3DExporter
// *****************************************************************************

#include <maya/MPxFileTranslator.h>

class polyWriter;
class MDagPath;
class MFnDagNode;

class polyExporter:public MPxFileTranslator {

        virtual                 ~polyExporter();

        virtual MStatus         writer (const MFileObject& file,
                                        const MString& optionsString,
                                        MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode);
        virtual bool            haveWriteMethod () const;
        virtual bool            haveReadMethod () const;
        virtual bool            canBeOpened () const;

        virtual MString         defaultExtension () const = 0;

        virtual bool            isVisible(MFnDagNode& fnDag, MStatus& status);
        virtual MStatus         exportAll(ostream& os);
        virtual MStatus         exportSelection(ostream& os);
        virtual void            writeHeader(ostream& os);
        virtual void            writeFooter(ostream& os);
        virtual MStatus         processPolyMesh(const MDagPath dagPath, ostream& os);
        virtual polyWriter*     createPolyWriter(const MDagPath dagPath, MStatus& status) = 0;

#endif /*__POLYEXPORTER_H*/