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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>

#include "manipulatorMath.h"

// Utility classes + functions

//  planeMath

    a = b = c = d = 0.0;

bool planeMath::setPlane( const MPoint& pointOnPlane, const MVector& normalToPlane )
    MVector _normalToPlane = normalToPlane;

    // Calculate a,b,c,d based on input
    a = _normalToPlane.x;
    b = _normalToPlane.y;
    c = _normalToPlane.z;
    d = -(a*pointOnPlane.x + b*pointOnPlane.y + c*pointOnPlane.z);
    return true;

bool planeMath::intersect( const MPoint& linePoint, const MVector& lineDirection, MPoint& intersectionPoint )
    double denominator = a*lineDirection.x + b*lineDirection.y + c*lineDirection.z;

    // Verify that the vector and the plane are not parallel.
    if(denominator < .00001)
        return false;

    double t = -(d + a*linePoint.x + b*linePoint.y + c*linePoint.z) / denominator;

    // Calculate the intersection point.
    intersectionPoint = linePoint + t * lineDirection;

    return true;

//  lineMath

    // No-op

bool lineMath::setLine( const MPoint& linePoint, const MVector& lineDirection )
    point = linePoint;
    direction = lineDirection;
    return true;

bool lineMath::closestPoint( const MPoint& toPoint, MPoint& closest )
    double t = direction * ( toPoint - point );
    closest = point + ( direction * t );
    return true;

// Utility class

double DegreeRadianConverter::degreesToRadians( double degrees )
     return degrees * ( M_PI/ 180.0 );

double DegreeRadianConverter::radiansToDegrees( double radians )
    return radians * (180.0/M_PI);