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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// Example Plugin: instancerListCmd.cpp
//  This plugin demonstrates how to use the MFnInstancer class and the 
//  MItInstancer class to enumerate particle instances in a scene.  If
//  one or more instancer nodes are selected when the command is invoked,
//  MFnInstancer will be used to enumerate each instancer's instances, with
//  both the instancesForParticle() and allInstances() methods exercised.
//  If no instancers are selected, then MItInstancer is used to iterate through
//  all the particle instances in the scene.

#include <maya/MSimple.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MFnInstancer.h>
#include <maya/MItInstancer.h>
#include <maya/MDagPathArray.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MMatrixArray.h>

DeclareSimpleCommand( listParticleInstances, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "8.0");

void printInstancerUsingFunctionSet( const MDagPath& instancerPath )
    char str[256];
    MString pathName = instancerPath.fullPathName();
    sprintf( str, "Instancer %s:", pathName.asChar() );
    MGlobal::displayInfo( MString(str) );
    MFnInstancer fnInst( instancerPath );
    int numParticles = fnInst.particleCount();
    sprintf( str, "    num particles = %d", numParticles );
    //  Step 1: Use the MFnInstancer::instancesForParticle() to enumerate
    //          the paths instanced under each particle.  
    MGlobal::displayInfo( "    Using instancesForParticle()...." );
    MMatrix instancerWorldMatrix = instancerPath.inclusiveMatrix();
    int p = 0;
    for( p = 0; p < numParticles; p++ )
        MMatrix particleMatrix;
        MDagPathArray particlePaths;
        int numInstances = fnInst.instancesForParticle( p, particlePaths, particleMatrix );

        //  iterate over all the instances under this particle
        for( int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++ )
            const MDagPath& instancedPath = particlePaths[i];
            MMatrix instancedPathMatrix = instancedPath.inclusiveMatrix();

            //  the final world position of the instanced shape is determined
            //  by the original path's matrix combined with the offset matrix
            //  provided by the instancer
            MMatrix finalMatrixForPath = instancedPathMatrix * particleMatrix;
            MPoint finalPoint = MPoint::origin * finalMatrixForPath;
            MString instancedPathName = instancedPath.fullPathName();
            sprintf( str, "        Path %-50s at position (%lf,%lf,%lf)", instancedPathName.asChar(), finalPoint.x, finalPoint.y, finalPoint.z );
            MGlobal::displayInfo( str );
    //  Step 2: Use the MFnInstancer::allInstances() method to enumerate all
    //          particle instances generated by this instancer.  The same
    //          information that was extracted one particle at a time in 
    //          Step 1 is now retrieved with one function call, and stored in
    //          a set of arrays.
    MGlobal::displayInfo( "    Using allInstances()...." );
    MDagPathArray allPaths;
    MMatrixArray allMatrices;
    MIntArray pathIndices;
    MIntArray pathStartIndices;
    fnInst.allInstances( allPaths, allMatrices, pathStartIndices, pathIndices );
    for( p = 0; p < numParticles; p++ )
        MMatrix particleMatrix = allMatrices[p];

        //  the number of paths instanced under a particle is computed by
        //  taking the difference between the starting path index for this
        //  particle and that of the next particle.  The size of the start
        //  index array is always one larger than the number of particles.
        int numPaths = pathStartIndices[p+1]-pathStartIndices[p];
        //  the values pathIndices[pathStart...pathStart+numPaths] give the
        //  indices in the allPaths array of the paths instanced under this
        //  particular particle.  Remember, different paths can be instanced
        //  under each particle.
        int pathStart = pathStartIndices[p];

        //  loop through the instanced paths for this particle
        for( int i = pathStart; i < pathStart+numPaths; i++ )
            int curPathIndex = pathIndices[i];
            const MDagPath& curPath = allPaths[curPathIndex];

            MMatrix instancedPathMatrix = curPath.inclusiveMatrix();
            MMatrix finalMatrixForPath = instancedPathMatrix * particleMatrix;
            MPoint finalPoint = MPoint::origin * finalMatrixForPath;
            MString instancedPathName = curPath.fullPathName();
            sprintf( str, "        Path %-50s at position (%lf,%lf,%lf)", instancedPathName.asChar(), finalPoint.x, finalPoint.y, finalPoint.z );
            MGlobal::displayInfo( str );

void printAllInstancesUsingIterator()
    //  Just use the MItInstancer iterator to enumerate all particles in 
    //  all instancers in the scene.
    MItInstancer it;
    while( !it.isDone() )
        MObject instancerNode = it.instancer();
        MDagPath instancerPath = it.instancerPath();
        MDagPath instancePath = it.path();
        MMatrix instanceMatrix = it.matrix();

        MString instancerNodeName = MFnDependencyNode(instancerNode).name();
        MString instancerPathName = instancerPath.fullPathName();
        MString instancePathName = instancePath.fullPathName();
        MMatrix pathMatrix = instancePath.inclusiveMatrix();
        MMatrix finalMatrixForPath = pathMatrix * instanceMatrix;
        MPoint pos = MPoint::origin * finalMatrixForPath;

        char str[512];
        sprintf( str, "Instancer node %s, instancer path %s, instancing path %s at position (%lf,%lf,%lf)",
                instancerNodeName.asChar(), instancerPathName.asChar(), instancePathName.asChar(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z );
        MGlobal::displayInfo( MString(str) );;

MStatus listParticleInstances::doIt( const MArgList& )
    MSelectionList curSel;
    MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( curSel );
    MItSelectionList it( curSel, MFn::kInstancer ); 
    if( it.isDone() )
        //  use MItInstancer to enumerate all particle instances 
        MGlobal::displayInfo( "Using iterator to enumerate all particle instances..." );
        //  use MFnInstancer to list instances
        while( !it.isDone() )
            MDagPath instancerPath;
            if( it.getDagPath( instancerPath ) == MS::kSuccess )
                printInstancerUsingFunctionSet( instancerPath );
                MGlobal::displayError( "Error retrieving instancer" );
                return MS::kFailure;
    return MS::kSuccess;