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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
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// File: flipUVCmd.cpp
// MEL Command: flipUV

#include <flipUVCmd.h>

#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatArray.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>

// Flags for this command
static const char * horizFlag           = "-h";
static const char * horizFlagLong       = "-horizontal";
static const char * globalFlag          = "-fg";
static const char * globalFlagLong      = "-flipGlobal";
static const char * extendFlag          = "-es";
static const char * extendFlagLong      = "-extendToShell";

const char * flipUVCmd::cmdName = "flipUV";
flipUVCmd::flipUVCmd() :

flipUVCmd::~flipUVCmd() {}

// Method to create a flipUVCmd object
void *flipUVCmd::creator() { return new flipUVCmd; }

// Add additionnal flags for this command. The default setting of the
// syntax is done in the base class.
MSyntax flipUVCmd::newSyntax ()
    MStatus status;

    // Get the base class syntax, and append to it.
    MSyntax syntax = MPxPolyTweakUVCommand::newSyntax();

    status = syntax.addFlag(horizFlag, horizFlagLong, MSyntax::kBoolean);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    status = syntax.addFlag(globalFlag, globalFlagLong, MSyntax::kBoolean);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    status = syntax.addFlag(extendFlag, extendFlagLong, MSyntax::kBoolean);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    return syntax;

// Read the values of the additionnal flags for this command.
MStatus flipUVCmd::parseSyntax (MArgDatabase &argData)
    MStatus status;
    // Get the flag values, otherwise the default values are used.

    if (argData.isFlagSet(horizFlag)) {
        status = argData.getFlagArgument(horizFlag, 0, horizontal);

    if (argData.isFlagSet(globalFlag)) {
        status = argData.getFlagArgument(globalFlag, 0, flipGlobal);

    if (argData.isFlagSet(extendFlag)) {
        status = argData.getFlagArgument(extendFlag, 0, extendToShell);

    return MS::kSuccess;

// Change the UVS for the given selection on this mesh object.
MStatus flipUVCmd::getTweakedUVs(
    const MObject & meshObj,                    // Object
    MIntArray & uvList,                     // UVs to move
    MFloatArray & uPos,                     // Moved UVs
    MFloatArray & vPos )                    // Moved UVs
    MStatus status;
    unsigned int i;
    MFloatArray uArray;
    MFloatArray vArray;
    MFnMesh mesh( meshObj );

    // Read all UVs from the poly object
    status = mesh.getUVs(uArray, vArray);

    unsigned int nbUvShells = 1;
    MIntArray uvShellIds;
    if ((!flipGlobal) || extendToShell)
        // First, extract the UV shells.
        status = mesh.getUvShellsIds(uvShellIds, nbUvShells);

    if (extendToShell)
        // Find all shells that have at least a selected UV.
        bool *selected = new bool[nbUvShells];
        for (i = 0 ; i<nbUvShells ; i++)
            selected[i] = false;

        for (i = 0 ; i<uvList.length() ; i++)
            int indx = uvList[i];
            selected[uvShellIds[indx]] = true;
        // Now recompute a new list of UVs to modify.

        unsigned int numUvs = mesh.numUVs();
        unsigned int numSelUvs = 0;

        // Preallocate a buffer, large enough to hold all Ids. This
        // prevents multiple reallocation from happening when growing
        // the array.

        for (i = 0 ; i<numUvs ; i++)
            if (selected[uvShellIds[i]])
                uvList[numSelUvs++] = i;

        // clamp the array to the proper size.

        delete [] selected;

    // For global flips, just pretend there is only one shell
    if (flipGlobal) nbUvShells = 1;

    float *minMax = new float[nbUvShells*4];

    for (i = 0 ; i<nbUvShells ; i++)
        minMax[4*i+0] =  1e30F;             // Min U
        minMax[4*i+1] =  1e30F;             // Min V
        minMax[4*i+2] = -1e30F;             // Max U
        minMax[4*i+3] = -1e30F;             // Max V

    // Get the bounding box of the UVs, for each shell if flipGlobal
    // is true, or for the whole selection if false.
    for (i = 0 ; i<uvList.length() ; i++)
        int indx = uvList[i];
        int shellId = 0;
        if (!flipGlobal) shellId = uvShellIds[indx];

        if (uArray[indx] < minMax[4*shellId+0]) 
            minMax[4*shellId+0] = uArray[indx];
        if (vArray[indx] < minMax[4*shellId+1])
            minMax[4*shellId+1] = vArray[indx];
        if (uArray[indx] > minMax[4*shellId+2]) 
            minMax[4*shellId+2] = uArray[indx];
        if (vArray[indx] > minMax[4*shellId+3])
            minMax[4*shellId+3] = vArray[indx];

    // Adjust the size of the output arrays

    for (i = 0 ; i<uvList.length() ; i++)
        int shellId = 0;
        int indx = uvList[i];
        if (!flipGlobal) shellId = uvShellIds[indx];
        // Flip U or V along the bounding box center.
        if (horizontal)
            uPos[i] = minMax[4*shellId+0] + minMax[4*shellId+2] -
            vPos[i] = vArray[indx];
            uPos[i] = uArray[indx];
            vPos[i] = minMax[4*shellId+1] + minMax[4*shellId+3] -

    delete [] minMax;

    return MS::kSuccess;