MRenderView Member List

This is the complete list of members for MRenderView, including all inherited members.
className()MRenderView [inline, static]
doesRenderEditorExist()MRenderView [static]
endRender()MRenderView [static]
getRenderRegion(unsigned int &left, unsigned int &right, unsigned int &bottom, unsigned int &top)MRenderView [static]
refresh(unsigned int left, unsigned int right, unsigned int bottom, unsigned int top)MRenderView [static]
setCurrentCamera(MDagPath &camera)MRenderView [static]
startRegionRender(unsigned int imageWidth, unsigned int imageHeight, unsigned int regionLeft, unsigned int regionRight, unsigned int regionBottom, unsigned int regionTop, bool doNotClearBackground=false, bool immediateFeedback=false)MRenderView [static]
startRender(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool doNotClearBackground=false, bool immediateFeedback=false)MRenderView [static]
updatePixels(unsigned int left, unsigned int right, unsigned int bottom, unsigned int top, RV_PIXEL *pPixels, bool isHdr=false)MRenderView [static]