
// Copyright (C) 2002-2003 NVIDIA 
// File: cgfxFindImage.cpp

// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include "cgfxShaderCommon.h"
#include "cgfxFindImage.h"

#include <maya/MStringArray.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFileObject.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#   include <string.h>
#   define  MAX_PATH 1024

MString cgfxFindFile(const MString& name, const MString &searchpath)
    MString file = name;
    struct stat statBuf;
    char path[MAX_PATH];

    const char * psearchpath = searchpath.asChar();

    OutputDebugString("File = ");

    // First we check if it is a fully qualified path...
    if (stat(file.asChar(), &statBuf) == -1)
        bool found = false;

        while (found == false && psearchpath < searchpath.asChar() + searchpath.length())
            const char * endpath = strchr(psearchpath,';');
            if (endpath)
                strncpy(path,psearchpath, endpath - psearchpath);
                path[endpath - psearchpath] = '\0';
            psearchpath += strlen(path)+1;

            bool fullPath = (path[0] == '/' ||
                             path[0] == '\\');

            if (strlen(path) > 2)
                fullPath = fullPath ||
                           (path[1] == ':' &&
                            (path[2] == '/' ||
                             path[2] == '\\'));

            // Add the path and the filename together to get the full path
            MString resolvedName ;//= name;
            if(name.index('/') == 0 || name.index('\\') == 0)
                resolvedName = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1);
                resolvedName = name;
            if(path[strlen(path) - 1] != '/')
                file = MString(path) + "/" + resolvedName;
                file = MString(path) + resolvedName;

            OutputDebugString("Try File = ");

            if (stat(file.asChar(), &statBuf) != -1)
                found = true;
                file = "";

    OutputDebugString("Returning: ");

    return file;

MString cgfxFindFile(const MString& name, bool projectRelative)
    // Our result
    MString fileName;

    // Do we have an image to look for?
    if (name.asChar() != NULL && strcmp(name.asChar(), ""))
        // Build a list of places we'll look for textures
        // Start with the current working directory
        static MString texturePath( ".");

        // Add the standard Maya project paths
        MString workspace;
        MStatus status = MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("workspace -q -rd;"),
        if ( status == MS::kSuccess)
            texturePath += ";";
            texturePath += workspace;
            texturePath += ";";
            texturePath += workspace;
            texturePath += "/textures;";
            texturePath += workspace;
            texturePath += "/images;";
            texturePath += workspace;

        // Finally, see if any CgFX environment variable paths are set
        char * cgfxPath = getenv("CGFX_TEXTURE_PATH");
        if (cgfxPath)
            texturePath += ";";
            texturePath += cgfxPath;
            char * cgfxRoot = getenv("CGFX_ROOT");
            if (cgfxRoot)
                texturePath += ";";
                texturePath += cgfxRoot;
                texturePath += "/textures/2D;";
                texturePath += cgfxRoot;
                texturePath += "/textures/cubemaps;";
                texturePath += cgfxRoot;
                texturePath += "/textures/3D;";
                texturePath += cgfxRoot;
                texturePath += "/textures/rectangles;";
                texturePath += cgfxRoot;
                texturePath += "/CgFX_Textures;";
                texturePath += cgfxRoot;
                texturePath += "/CgFX";

        OutputDebugString("CgFX texture path is: ");

        fileName = cgfxFindFile(name, texturePath);

        int hasFile = fileName.asChar() != NULL && strcmp(fileName.asChar(), "");

        if (hasFile == 0)
            // lets extract the filename and try it again...
            int idx = name.rindex('/');
            if (idx == -1)
                idx = name.rindex('\\');
            if (idx != -1)
                MString filename = name.substring(idx+1,name.length()-1);
                fileName = cgfxFindFile(filename, texturePath);
                hasFile = fileName.asChar() != NULL && strcmp(fileName.asChar(), "");
        // If we found the file and the user wants project relative, try
        // to strip the project directory off the front of our result
        if( hasFile && projectRelative)
            if( fileName.length() > workspace.length() && 
                workspace.length() > 0 &&
                fileName.substring( 0, workspace.length() - 1) == workspace)
                // Strip the project path off the front INCLUDING the
                // separating '/' (otherwise we'd create an absolute path)
                fileName = fileName.substring( workspace.length(), fileName.length() - 1);

        if (hasFile == 0)
            OutputDebugString("Error: file not found.\n");
    return fileName;

cgfxGetFxIncludePath( const MString &fxFile, MStringArray &pathOptions )
    // Append the path of the cgfx file as a possible include search path
    MString option;
    if (fxFile.length())
        MFileObject fobject;
        fobject.setRawFullName( fxFile );
        option = MString("-I") + fobject.resolvedPath();        
        pathOptions.append( option );

    // Add in "standard" cgfx search for cgfx files as a possible include
    // search path
    char * cgfxRoot = getenv("CGFX_ROOT");
    if (cgfxRoot)
        option = MString("-I") + MString(cgfxRoot);
        pathOptions.append( option );
        option = MString("-I") + MString(cgfxRoot) + MString("/CgFX");
        pathOptions.append( option );

    // Add in Maya's Cg directory
    char * mayaLocation = getenv("MAYA_LOCATION");
    if (mayaLocation)
        MString mayaCgLocation(MString(mayaLocation) + MString("/bin/Cg/"));
        option = MString("-I") + mayaCgLocation;
        pathOptions.append( option );