
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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// ==========================================================================

// Provides a data type for some arbitrary user geometry.
// A users geometry class can exist in the DAG by creating an
// MPxSurfaceShape (and UI) class for it and can also be passed through
// DG connections by creating an MPxGeometryData class for it.
// MPxGeometryData is the same as MPxData except it provides 
// additional methods to modify the geometry data via an iterator.

#ifndef _apiMeshData
#define _apiMeshData

#include <maya/MPxGeometryData.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <apiMeshGeom.h>

class apiMeshData : public MPxGeometryData
    // Overrides from MPxData

    virtual ~apiMeshData();

    virtual MStatus         readASCII( const MArgList& argList, unsigned& idx );
    virtual MStatus         readBinary( istream& in, unsigned length );
    virtual MStatus         writeASCII( ostream& out );
    virtual MStatus         writeBinary( ostream& out );

    virtual void            copy ( const MPxData& );

    virtual MTypeId         typeId() const;
    virtual MString         name() const;

    // Overrides from MPxGeometryData

    virtual MPxGeometryIterator* iterator( MObjectArray & componentList,
                                            MObject & component,
                                            bool useComponents);
    virtual MPxGeometryIterator* iterator( MObjectArray & componentList,
                                            MObject & component,
                                            bool useComponents,
                                            bool world) const;

    virtual bool    updateCompleteVertexGroup( MObject & component ) const;

    // Helper methods

    MStatus                 readVerticesASCII( const MArgList&, unsigned& );
    MStatus                 readNormalsASCII( const MArgList&, unsigned& );
    MStatus                 readFacesASCII( const MArgList&, unsigned& );
    MStatus                 readUVASCII( const MArgList&, unsigned& ); 

    MStatus                 writeVerticesASCII( ostream& out );
    MStatus                 writeNormalsASCII( ostream& out );
    MStatus                 writeFacesASCII( ostream& out );
    MStatus                 writeUVASCII( ostream& out ); 

    static void * creator();

    static const MString typeName;
    static const MTypeId id;

    // This is the geometry our data will pass though the DG
    apiMeshGeom* fGeometry;

#endif /* apimeshData */