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This node generates the surfaces for the "roundConstantRadius" operation. It is strongly suggested that you use the "roundConstantRadius" command to set up a round dependency node since many of the attributes are interrelated.

This node generates constant radius NURBS fillets and NURBS corner surfaces for matching edge pairs on NURBS surfaces. An edge pair is a matching pair of surface isoparms or trim edges.

A simple example of an edge pair is an edge of a NURBS cube, where two faces of the cube meet. This node generates a NURBS fillet at the edge and trims back the faces.

Another example is a NURBS cylinder with a planar trim surface cap. This node will create a NURBS fillet where the cap meets the the cylinder and will trim back the cap and the cylinder.

Another example involves all 12 edges of a NURBS cube. NURBS fillets are created where any face meets another face. NURBS corners are created whenever 3 edges meet at a corner.

This node has three main parts: a list of input surfaces, a list of edge pairs and a list of radius values.

For example, one edge of a cube (involving two faces of the cube) is rounded to produce a circular fillet along the edge. In this case, the input surface list will have two surfaces. There will be only one edge pair, which has a single input curve on sideA and a single input curve on sideB. There will only be one entry in each of inSurfIdxA and inSurfIdxB to indicate which of the surfaces in the input surface list the input curve is from.

getAttr -size roundConstantRadius1.inputSurface; ---> returns how many unique surface are in this round operation
getAttr -size roundConstantRadius1.edge; ---> returns how many edges are in this round operation
getAttr -size roundConstantRadius1.edge[0].inputCurveA; ---> returns how many curves make up sideA of the first edge
getAttr -size roundConstantRadius1.edge[0].inputCurveB; ---> returns how many curves make up sideB of the first edge
getAttr roundConstantRadius1.edge[0].inSurfIdxA[0]; ---> returns an index into the surface list that the first curve on sideA is from. eg. if "2" is returned, then roundConstantRadius1.surface[2] is the corresponding surface.
getAttr roundConstantRadius1.radius[0]; ---> returns the radius value used when creating a circular fillet for the first edge.

Node nameParentsClassificationMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

ffBlendSrfObsolete, extendSurface, offsetCos, avgSurfacePoints, alignSurface, bevel, insertKnotSurface

Attributes (13)

cornerSurface, edge, edgeValid, filletStatus, filletSurface, inSurfIdxA, inSurfIdxB, inputCurveA, inputCurveB, inputSurface, originalSurface, radius, tolerance

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
inputSurface (is) nurbsSurfaceNULLarrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
List of unique input surfaces.
radius (r) distance (double)1.0cmarrayoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Radius of fillet along edge. The number of radius values must match the number of items in the edge attribute.
edge (e) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputstorable
List of edge pairs.
inputCurveA (ica) nurbsCurveNULLarrayoutputinputconnectable
List of input curves on side A of this edge
inputCurveB (icb) nurbsCurveNULLarrayoutputinputconnectable
List of input curves on side B of this edge
inSurfIdxA (isa) integer123456arrayoutputinputstorable
Index of each surface that each curve on side A is from.
inSurfIdxB (isb) integer123456arrayoutputinputstorable
Index of each surface that each curve on side B is from.
edgeValid (ev) bool1outputinput
True means that this edge is valid. Invalid means that this edge is ignored completely. Note: This flag is not stored.
tolerance (tol) distance (double)0.01cmoutputinputconnectablestorable
The tolerance with which to trim.
filletStatus (fis) short0arrayoutputconnectable
List of status values that indicate whether or not a circular fillet was successfully created for a particular edge. The number of status values is the same as the number of edge pairs. -2 means the fillet failed on trim. -1 means the fillet failed on creation. 0 means the fillet has not been attempted yet. 1 means the fillet was successfully created. 2 means the fillet is being computed
originalSurface (os) nurbsSurfaceNULLarrayoutputconnectable
List of surfaces that are the trimmed original surfaces
filletSurface (fs) nurbsSurfaceNULLarrayoutputconnectable
List of new fillet surfaces created by this operation
cornerSurface (cs) nurbsSurfaceNULLarrayoutputconnectable
List of new corner surfaces created by this operation