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This node is used to evaluate an input geometry or matrix at a range of times defined by the "startTime", "endTime" and "increment" attribute values. When a geometry is attached as the input, the output is a sequence of time-evaluated geometries, which is referred to in maya as an "animated snapshot". When a matrix is attached as the input, the output is a an array of points that indicate the motion trail of the input matrix data.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

dagPose, reverseCurve, offsetSurface, stitchAsNurbsShell, avgCurves

Attributes (3)

extraKeyframeTimes, keyframeFlags, keyframeTimes

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
keyframeTimes (kt) doubleArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
Stores the list of key times
keyframeFlags (fk) intArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
Stores a list of flags for each key frame specifying what type it is kMotionTrailNoTangent (0 - editable, no tangents) kMotionTrailTangent (1 - unlocked weighted fixed/spline) kMotionTrailLockedTangent (2 - locked weighted fixed/spline) kMotionTrailBreakdown (3 - breakdown)
extraKeyframeTimes (ekt) doubleArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
Stores the list of extra (non-translation) key times