Go to: Related nodes. Attributes.

This class describes the instancer node. It takes a set of point data (including positions, rotations, scales, etc.) and instances hierarchies to that point data.

Node nameParentsClassificationMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes


Attributes (11)

cycle, cycleStep, cycleStepUnit, fillArray, hierarchyCount, inputHierarchy, inputPoints, instanceCount, levelOfDetail, rotationAngleUnits, rotationOrder

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
inputPoints (inp) genericArrayNULLoutputinputconnectable
Takes a single data object containing within it several arrays. Each array has a unique name and contains a separate element for each instance:

positionvectornone The positions at which instances are to be placed. The number of elements in this array determines the number of instances which will be created.
idint32instance's index in the arrays Unique identifier for the instance.
visibilitybooleantrue Determines whether the corresponding instance is visible. Note that visibility settings higher up in the instance's hierarchy still apply in the usual way.
scalevector(1, 1, 1) XYZ scaling factors to be applied to the instance.
shearvector(0, 0, 0) Shear values to the applied to the instance.
rotationTypeint32See description. Determines how the rotation of the instance should be determined:

0 = Use the corresponding rotation from the "rotation" array
1 = Aim the instance along the vector defined by the corresponding value from the "aimDirection" array.
2 = Aim the instance so that it points to the corresponding position from the "aimPosition" array.

For rotationTypes 1 and 2 additional orientation information can be supplied via the "aimAxis", "aimUpAxis" and "aimWorldUp" arrays.

If rotationType is not provided then the instancer node will look for the "rotation", "aimDirection" and "aimPosition" arrays in turn. The first one it finds will determine the rotationType. If none are present then a rotationType of 0 will be assumed.

rotationvector(0, 0, 0) The Euler rotation (XYZ) to be applied to the instance when the corresponding "rotationType" is 0. The rotation order is taken from the rotationOrder attribute.
aimDirectionvector(1, 0, 0) The direction in which the instance should be aimed when its corresponding "rotationType" is 1.
aimPositionvector(0, 0, 0) The position at which the instance should be aimed when its corresponding "rotationType" is 2.
aimAxisvector(1, 0, 0) Determines the axis of the instance which is to be aligned with the aim direction when corresponding "rotationType" is 1 or 2.
aimUpAxisvector(0, 1, 0) The instance's up-vector. Used when the corresponding "rotationType" is 1 or 2.
aimWorldUpvector(0, 1, 0) The world up-vector to be used when the corresponding "rotationType" is 1 or 2.
objectIndexint320 When the 'cycle' attribute is set to 0, this determines which of the input hierarchies will be used for the corresponding instance.
cycleStartObjectdouble0.0 When the 'cycle' attribute is set to 1 (cycle each instance through several input hierarchies) this value determines which input hierarchy will be used to start the cycle for the corresponding instance.
agedoublecurrent time in seconds When the 'cycle' attribute is set to 1 (cycle each instance through several input hierarchies) this value determines how far into the cycle the instance is and, in combination with the 'cycleStep' attribute, determines which of the input hierarchies should be used.

See MFnArrayAttrs in the API Reference for details on how to access this kind of attribute.

inputHierarchy (inh) matrixNULLarrayinputconnectable
This is where all of the hierarchies that are to be instanced are connected with their local matrix attributes. We use the local matrix so that we can detect when the transformation of the hierachies change, because that would mean that we need to redraw the instances.
rotationOrder (ror) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
When an instance's element in the "rotationType" array of the inputPoints attribute is set to 0 (rotation), this value is used to determine the order in which the X, Y and Z rotations are applied. For any other "rotationType" this value is ignored.

Valid values are:
"XYZ" (0)

rotationAngleUnits (rau) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Tells the instancer how to interpret the values in the "rotation" array of the inputPoints attribute when a point's "rotationType" array element is set to 0 (rotation). The valid options are "Degrees" (0) and "Radians" (1).
cycle (cyc) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Tells the instancer whether or not it should change the hierachy instanced to each point as time changes. If set to "None" (0) then there is no change and the hierarchy assigned to each instance remains the same throughout the animation. If set to "Sequential" (1) then each instance will start out with the hierarchy in the corresponding element of the "cycleStartObject" array of the inputPoints attribute, and will then advance sequentially through the other hierarchies based on its value of its element in the "age" array, in combination with the cycleStep attribute.
cycleStep (cs) double1.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Tells the instancer how often to change the hierarchy instanced to each point. The unit that this value is interpretted in is based on the value of the cycleStepUnit attribute.
cycleStepUnit (csu) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Tells the instancer how to interpret the value in the cycleStep attribute. Valid options are "Frames" (0) and "Seconds" (1).
levelOfDetail (lod) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Lets the user control the display of the instanced objects. Since there could be hundreds or thousands of points, the user may not want to draw them all interactively. If this attribute is set to "Geometry" (0), then the objects are drawn exactly as they would be in the current display mode. If the value is "BoundingBoxes" (1), then only the bounding box for each object is drawn. If the value is "BoundingBox" (2), then only the bounding box for the instancer is drawn.
instanceCount (ic) integer0outputconnectablekeyable
This attribute will be set to the current number of instances being created. This number includes those whose "visibility" value is set to FALSE/0. It is the number of points coming into the instancer.
fillArray (fa) boolfalsehidden
Used to trigger the action of getting all of the data from the inputPoint data. It is not used by the user at all.
hierarchyCount (hc) integer0outputconnectablekeyable
A READ-ONLY attribute to allow the users to query the number of hierarchies being instanced by the node.