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This node contains a list of lights that shine on all surfaces. Exclusive lights do not show up on this list.

This node is MP safe

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

materialInfo, multilisterLight, opticalFX, shaderGlow

Attributes (30)

lightAmbient, lightAmbientOut, lightBlindData, lightBlindDataOut, lightData, lightDataArray, lightDiffuse, lightDiffuseOut, lightDirection, lightDirectionOut, lightDirectionOutX, lightDirectionOutY, lightDirectionOutZ, lightDirectionX, lightDirectionY, lightDirectionZ, lightIntensity, lightIntensityB, lightIntensityG, lightIntensityOut, lightIntensityOutB, lightIntensityOutG, lightIntensityOutR, lightIntensityR, lightShadowFraction, lightShadowFractionOut, lightSpecular, lightSpecularOut, preShadowIntensity, preShadowIntensityOut

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
lightDataArray (lda) lightDataNULLarrayinputconnectable
The lighting information.
lightDirection (ld) float3inputconnectable
The light direction.
lightDirectionX (ldx) float0.0inputconnectable
The x component of the direction.
lightDirectionY (ldy) float0.0inputconnectable
The y component of the direction.
lightDirectionZ (ldz) float0.0inputconnectable
The z component of the direction.
lightIntensity (li) float3inputconnectable
The light intensity (its a colour).
lightIntensityR (lir) float0.0inputconnectable
The red component of the intensity.
lightIntensityG (lig) float0.0inputconnectable
The green component of the intensity.
lightIntensityB (lib) float0.0inputconnectable
The blue component of the intensity.
lightAmbient (la) boolfalseinputconnectable
The boolean that indicates if the light has an ambient component.
lightDiffuse (ldf) boolfalseinputconnectable
The boolean that indicates if the light has a diffuse component.
lightSpecular (ls) boolfalseinputconnectable
The boolean that indicates if the light has a specular component.
lightShadowFraction (lsf) float0.0inputconnectable
The visibility fraction to the light. value is in [0,1]
preShadowIntensity (psi) float0.0inputconnectable
pre shadow light intensity.
lightBlindData (lbd) addrNULLinputconnectable
The pointer that holds the blind data.
lightData (ltd) lightDataNULLoutputconnectable
The lighting information this node computes.
lightDirectionOut (ldo) float3outputconnectable
The light direction.
lightDirectionOutX (lqx) float0.0outputconnectable
The x component of the direction.
lightDirectionOutY (lqy) float0.0outputconnectable
The y component of the direction.
lightDirectionOutZ (lqz) float0.0outputconnectable
The z component of the direction.
lightIntensityOut (lw) float3outputconnectable
The light intensity (its a colour).
lightIntensityOutR (lwr) float0.0outputconnectable
The red component of the intensity.
lightIntensityOutG (lwg) float0.0outputconnectable
The green component of the intensity.
lightIntensityOutB (lwb) float0.0outputconnectable
The blue component of the intensity.
lightAmbientOut (lya) boolfalseoutputconnectable
The boolean that indicates if the light has an ambient component.
lightDiffuseOut (lyf) boolfalseoutputconnectable
The boolean that indicates if the light has a diffuse component.
lightSpecularOut (lys) boolfalseoutputconnectable
The boolean that indicates if the light has a specular component.
lightShadowFractionOut (sfo) float0.0outputconnectable
The visibility fraction to the light. value is in [0,1]
preShadowIntensityOut (psio) float0.0outputconnectable
pre shadow light intensity.
lightBlindDataOut (lbdo) addrNULLoutputconnectable
The light's blind data pointer.