Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. Python examples.


uvSnapshot([antiAliased=boolean], [blueColor=int], [entireUVRange=boolean], [fileFormat=string], [greenColor=int], [name=string], [overwrite=boolean], [redColor=int], [uMax=float], [uMin=float], [uvSetName=string], [vMax=float], [vMin=float], [xResolution=int], [yResolution=int])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

uvSnapshot is NOT undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.

Builds an image containg the UVs of the selected objects.

Return value



texture, uv, image




antiAliased, blueColor, entireUVRange, fileFormat, greenColor, name, overwrite, redColor, uMax, uMin, uvSetName, vMax, vMin, xResolution, yResolution
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
name(n) string create
Name of the file to be created.
uvSetName(uvs) string create
Name of the uv set to use. Default is the current one.
xResolution(xr) int create
Horizontal size of the image. Default is 512.
yResolution(yr) int create
Vertical size of the image. Default is 512.
uMin(umn) float create
Optional User Specified Min value for U. Default value is 0. This will take precedence over the "entire range" -euv flag.
uMax(umx) float create
Optional User Specified Max value for U. Default value is 1. This will take precedence over the "entire range" -euv flag.
vMin(vmn) float create
Optional User Specified Min value for V. Default value is 0. This will take precedence over the "entire range" -euv flag.
vMax(vmx) float create
Optional User Specified Max value for V. Default value is 1. This will take precedence over the "entire range" -euv flag.
redColor(r) int create
Red component of line drawing. Default is 255.
greenColor(g) int create
Green component of line drawing. Default is 255.
blueColor(b) int create
Blue component of line drawing. Default is 255.
overwrite(o) boolean create
When this flag is set, existing file can be ovewritten.
antiAliased(aa) boolean create
When this flag is set, lines are antialiased.
entireUVRange(euv) boolean create
When this flag is set, the generated image will contain the entire uv range. Default is UV in 0-1 range.
fileFormat(ff) string create
Output file format. Any of those keyword: "iff", "sgi", "pic", "tif", "als", "gif", "rla", "jpg" Default is iff.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Create a polygonal sphere
# Save the UVs in a image
cmds.uvSnapshot( o=True, n='/tmp/uvImage2.iff', xr=256, yr=256 )