Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


dbpeek [-allObjects] [-count uint] [-operation string] [-outputFile string] [-type string]

dbpeek is NOT undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

The dbpeek command is used to analyze the Maya data for information of interest. See a description of the flags for details on what types of things can be analyzed.

Return value

string[]Query of operation yields a string array with available operations
stringQuery of specific operation without an output file returns a string with help information for that operation
intQuery of specific operation with an output file dumps the help information for that operation to that file and returns the number of errors encountered

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


debug, node, attribute


dbcount, dgInfo, dgdirty, dgeval, dgmodified


allObjects, count, operation, outputFile, type
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-allObjects(-all) createquery
Ignore any specified or selected objects and peek into all applicable objects. The definition of "allObjects" will vary based on the type of peek being performed - see the flag documentation for details on what it means for a given type. By default if no objects are selected or specified then it will behave as though this flag were set.
-count(-c) uint createquery
Specify a count to be used by the test. Different tests make different use of the count, query the operation to find out how it interprets the value. For example a performance test might use it as the number of iterations to run in the test, an output operation might use it to limit the amount of output it produces.
-type(-t) string createquerymultiuse
Specify the type of operation desired in string form. The acceptable values for the type string are documented in the flag to which they will be applied.
-outputFile(-of) string createquery
Specify the location of a file to which the information is to be dumped. Default will return the value from the command. Use the special names stdout and stderr to redirect to your command window. The special name msdev is available when debugging on Windows to direct your output to the debug tab in the output window of Visual Studio.
-operation(-op) string createquery
Specify the peeking operation to perform. The various types are registered at run time and can be listed by querying this flag without a value. If you query it with a value then you get the detail values that peek type accepts and a description of what it does.

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Find the available peek types
dbpeek -op -query;
// Return: metadata nodes references //
// Describe the detail of a single available type
dbpeek -query -op "nodes";
// Return: The operation 'nodes' understands type flags 'attributes, visible'.
The 'visible' flag filters the display list to ignore any hidden
or internal nodes. Default is to show all nodes
Normal display will show a count of nodes in the scene of each
type. Adding the 'attributes' flag includes the attribute count
for each node as well, segregated by static, extension, and dynamic types.
// Describe the detail of a single available operation
dbpeek -op plugIterator -query
// Return: The test 'plugIterator' doesn't have any type flags.
Suggested iteration count minimum is 1000000 for which the test machine
measured a time of 19.234s.
This tests the performance of the class which iterates over all of the
networked plugs in a plug tree.
// Run a performance test for 1000000 loops
dbpeek -op plugIterator -count 1000000
// Return: Run 10,000 loops of plug iteration over a tree of size 51, depth 4
Total time:   17.0s
Maximum time: 0.81s
Minimum time: 0.23s
Average time: 0.30s
// Run a performance test for 1000000 loops and store the results
dbpeek -op plugIterator -count 1000000 -of "MyFile.txt"
// Return: 0 //
loadPlugin MetadataSample;
polyPlane -n "planeLuck";
dataStructure -asString "name=TestStructure:int32=ID"
importMetadata -asString "channel face\n stream\n TestStream\n TestStructure\n 0\n 99\n 1\n 999\n 2\n 9999\n endStream\n endChannel\n endAssociations" "planeLuckShape";
// Peek at the newly created metadata
dbpeek -op "metadata" -type "summary";
// Return: Node planeLuckShape : face( TestStream[3] ) //