
ikSystem(*args, **kwargs)

The ikSystem command is used to set the global snapping flag for handles and set the global solve flag for solvers. The standard edit (-e) and query (-q) flags are used for edit and query functions.

Long name (short name) Argument Types Properties
allowRotation (ar) bool ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif

Set true to allow rotation of an ik handle with keys set on translation.Flag can appear in Create mode of commandFlag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

autoPriority (ap) bool ../../../_images/edit.gif
set autoPriority for all ikHandles
autoPriorityMC (apm) bool ../../../_images/edit.gif
set autoPriority for all multiChain handles
autoPrioritySC (aps) bool ../../../_images/edit.gif
set autoPriority for all singleChain handles
list (ls) int, int ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
returns the solver execution order when in query mode(list of strings) changes execution order when in edit mode (int old position, int new position)
snap (sn) bool ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set global snapping
solve (sol) bool ../../../_images/query.gif ../../../_images/edit.gif
Set global solve
solverTypes (st) bool ../../../_images/query.gif
returns a list of valid solverTypes ( query only )

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.ikSystem


import pymel.core as pm

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Prints out the solver execution order
pm.ikSystem( q=True, ls=True )
# Result: [u'ikSCsolver', u'ikRPsolver', u'ikSplineSolver', u'hikSolver'] #

# Moves solver on position 2 to position 1 in
# the execution order list ( zero based index )
pm.ikSystem( e=True, ls=(1, 0) )

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