Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


renderManip( object , [camera=[boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]], [light=[boolean, boolean, boolean]], [spotLight=[boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]], [state=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

renderManip is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates manipulators for cameras or lights.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


camera, light, spotLight, state
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
state(st) boolean queryedit
Query or edit the state of manipulators on an camera, ambient light, directional light, point light, or spot light. This flag's default value is on.
camera(cam) [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean] queryedit
Query or edit the visiblity status of the component camera manipulators. The order of components are: cycling index, center of interest, pivot, clipping planes, and unused.
spotLight(slt) [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean] queryedit
Query or edit the visiblity status of the component spot light manipulators. The order of components are: cycling index, center of interest, pivot, cone angle, penumbra, look through barn doors, and decay regions.
light(lt) [boolean, boolean, boolean] queryedit
Query or edit the visiblity status of the component light manipulators. The order of components are: cycling index, center of interest, and pivot.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

cmds.renderManip( 'cameraShape1' )
cmds.renderManip( 'cameraShape1', e=True, st=True )
cmds.renderManip( 'cameraShape1', q=True, st=True )