Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


fluidEmitter( selectionList , [cycleEmission=string], [cycleInterval=int], [densityEmissionRate=float], [fluidDropoff=float], [fuelEmissionRate=float], [heatEmissionRate=float], [maxDistance=linear], [minDistance=linear], [position=[linear, linear, linear]], [rate=float], [torusSectionRadius=linear], [type=string], [volumeOffset=[linear, linear, linear]], [volumeShape=string], [volumeSweep=angle])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

fluidEmitter is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Creates an emitter object. If object names are provided or if objects are selected, applies the emitter to the named/selected object(s)in the scene. Fluid will then be emitted from each. If no objects are named or selected, or if the -pos option is specified, creates a positional emitter. If an emitter was created, the command returns the name of the object owning the emitter, and the name of emitter shape. If an emitter was queried, the command returns the results of the query.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


cycleEmission, cycleInterval, densityEmissionRate, fluidDropoff, fuelEmissionRate, heatEmissionRate, maxDistance, minDistance, position, rate, torusSectionRadius, type, volumeOffset, volumeShape, volumeSweep
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
type(typ) string queryedit
Type of emitter. The choices are omni | dir | direction | surf | surface | curve | curv. The default is omni. The full definition of these types are: omnidirectional point emitter, directional point emitter, surface emitter, or curve emitter.
minDistance(mnd) linear queryedit
Minimum distance at which emission starts.
maxDistance(mxd) linear queryedit
Maximum distance at which emission ends.
position(pos) [linear, linear, linear] queryeditmultiuse
Positional emitter at world space location (x,y,z).
rate(r) float queryedit
Rate at which particles emitted (can be non-integer). For point emission this is rate per point per unit time. For surface emission it is rate per square unit of area per unit time.
cycleEmission(cye) string queryedit
Possible values are "none" and "frame." Cycling emission restarts the random number stream after a specified interval. This can either be a number of frames or a number of emitted particles. In each case the number is specified by the cycleInterval attribute. Setting cycleEmission to "frame" and cycleInterval to 1 will then re-start the random stream every frame. Setting cycleInterval to values greater than 1 can be used to generate cycles for games work.
cycleInterval(cyi) int queryedit
Specifies the number of frames or particles between restarts of the random number stream. See cycleEmission. Has no effect if cycleEmission is set to None.
volumeShape(vsh) string queryedit
Volume shape of the emitter. Sets/edits/queries the field's volume shape attribute. If set to any value other than "none", determines a 3-D volume within which particles are generated. Values are: "cube," "sphere," "cylinder," "cone," "torus."
volumeOffset(vof) [linear, linear, linear] queryedit
Volume offset of the emitter. Volume offset translates the emission volume by the specified amount from the actual emitter location. This is in the emitter's local space.
volumeSweep(vsw) angle queryedit
Volume sweep of the emitter. Applies only to sphere, cone, cylinder, and torus. Similar effect to the sweep attribute in modelling.
torusSectionRadius(tsr) linear queryedit
Section radius for a torus volume. Applies only to torus. Similar to the section radius in the torus modelling primitive.
fluidDropoff(fdr) float queryedit
Fluid Emission Dropoff in volume
densityEmissionRate(der) float queryedit
Rate at which density is emitted.
heatEmissionRate(her) float queryedit
Rate at which density is emitted.
fuelEmissionRate(fer) float queryedit
Rate at which is emitted.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

cmds.fluidEmitter( pos=(0, 0, 0), type='omni', der=1, her=2, fer=3, fdr=1.5, r=100.0, cye='none', cyi=1, mxd=0, mnd=0 )
cmds.connectDynamic( 'fluidShape1', em='emitter1' )
# Creates an omni emitter that's emitting density, heat and fuel
# into fluidShape1