Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


blend2( curve curve [curve...] , [autoAnchor=boolean], [autoNormal=boolean], [caching=boolean], [constructionHistory=boolean], [flipLeftNormal=boolean], [flipRightNormal=boolean], [leftAnchor=float], [leftEnd=float], [leftStart=float], [multipleKnots=boolean], [name=string], [nodeState=int], [object=boolean], [polygon=int], [positionTolerance=float], [reverseLeft=boolean], [reverseRight=boolean], [rightAnchor=float], [rightEnd=float], [rightStart=float], [tangentTolerance=float])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

blend2 is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates a surface by blending between given curves. This is an enhancement (more user control) compared to blend which is now obsolete.

Return value

string[]Object name and node name

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


autoAnchor, autoNormal, caching, constructionHistory, flipLeftNormal, flipRightNormal, leftAnchor, leftEnd, leftStart, multipleKnots, name, nodeState, object, polygon, positionTolerance, reverseLeft, reverseRight, rightAnchor, rightEnd, rightStart, tangentTolerance
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
multipleKnots(mk) boolean createqueryedit
If true, use the new blend which produces fully multiple interior knots
Default: true
positionTolerance(pt) float createqueryedit
The positional C(0) tolerance of the blend surface to the adjacent surfaces.
Default: 0.1
tangentTolerance(tt) float createqueryedit
The tangent G(1) continuity tolerance of the blend surface to the adjacent surfaces.
Default: 0.1
autoNormal(an) boolean createqueryedit
If true, the direction of each starting tangent is computed based on given geometry.
Default: true
flipLeftNormal(fln) boolean createqueryedit
If true, flip the starting tangent off the left boundary.
Default: false
flipRightNormal(frn) boolean createqueryedit
If true, flip the starting tangent off the right boundary.
Default: false
autoAnchor(aa) boolean createqueryedit
If true and both paths are closed, automatically determine the value on the right rail so that they match
Default: true
leftAnchor(la) float createqueryedit
The reference parameter on the left boundary where the blend surface starts in the case of the closed rail.
Default: 0.0
leftStart(ls) float createqueryedit
The reference parameter on the left boundary where the blend surface starts.
Default: 0.0
leftEnd(le) float createqueryedit
The reference parameter on the left boundary where the blend surface ends.
Default: 1.0
reverseLeft(rvl) boolean createqueryedit
If true, reverse the direction off the left boundary. autoDirection must be false for this value to be considered.
Default: false
rightAnchor(ra) float createqueryedit
The reference parameter on the right boundary where the blend surface starts in the case of the closed rail.
Default: 0.0
rightStart(rs) float createqueryedit
The reference parameter on the right boundary where the blend surface starts.
Default: 0.0
rightEnd(re) float createqueryedit
The reference parameter on the right boundary where the blend surface ends.
Default: 1.0
reverseRight(rvr) boolean createqueryedit
If true, reverse the direction of the right boundary. autoDirection must be false for this value to be considered.
Default: false
Advanced flags
caching(cch) boolean createqueryedit
Modifies the node caching mode. See the node documentation for more information.
Note: For advanced users only.
nodeState(nds) int createqueryedit
Modifies the node state. See the node documentation for more information.
Note: For advanced users only.
Common flags
name(n) string create
Sets the name of the newly-created node. If it contains namespace path, the new node will be created under the specified namespace; if the namespace does not exist, it will be created.
constructionHistory(ch) boolean create
Turn the construction history on or off
object(o) boolean create
Create the result, or just the dependency node
polygon(po) int create
The value of this argument controls the type of the object created by this operation
  • 0: nurbs surface
  • 1: polygon (use nurbsToPolygonsPref to set the parameters for the conversion)
  • 2: subdivision surface (use nurbsToSubdivPref to set the parameters for the conversion)
  • 3: Bezier surface
  • 4: subdivision surface solid (use nurbsToSubdivPref to set the parameters for the conversion)

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Do blend with auto normal and with no history:
cmds.blend2( an=True, ch=False )
# Do blend without auto normal
cmds.blend2( an=False, fln=True, frn=True )