Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


polyMapSew [-caching boolean] [-constructionHistory boolean] [-name string] [-nodeState int]

polyMapSew is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Sew border edges in texture space. Selected edges must be map borders.

Return value

stringThe node name.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


polyClipboard, polyCylindricalProjection, polyEditUV, polyForceUV, polyMapCut, polyMapDel, polyMoveFacetUV, polyMoveUV, polyPlanarProjection, polyProjection, polySphericalProjection, polyUVSet, untangleUV


caching, constructionHistory, name, nodeState
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
Common flags
-name(-n) string create
Give a name to the resulting node.
-constructionHistory(-ch) boolean createquery
Turn the construction history on or off (where applicable). If construction history is on then the corresponding node will be inserted into the history chain for the mesh. If construction history is off then the operation will be performed directly on the object.
Note: If the object already has construction history then this flag is ignored and the node will always be inserted into the history chain.
-caching(-cch) boolean createedit
Toggle caching for all attributes so that no recomputation is needed
-nodeState(-nds) int createqueryedit
Defines how to evaluate the node.
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: PassThrough
  • 2: Blocking
  • 3: Internally disabled. Will return to Normal state when enabled
  • 4: Internally disabled. Will return to PassThrough state when enabled
  • 5: Internally disabled. Will return to Blocking state when enabled

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Opening the texture view will make this example much clearer.
// Create a plane and select it.
polyPlane -n plg -sx 5 -sy 5 -w 10 -h 10;
select plg;
// Display map borders.
polyOptions -ao -dmb true;
// Cut the map.
polyMapCut plg.e[44] plg.e[46] plg.e[48] plg.e[50] plg.e[52];
// Move the row
polyMoveUV -t 0.0 0.5 plg.map[24:28] plg.map[30:35] plg.map[37];
// Now sew some border edges
polyMapSew plg.e[44] plg.e[46] plg.e[48];