Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


panelConfiguration [-addPanel boolean string string string string] [-configString string] [-createStrings] [-defaultImage string] [-defineTemplate string] [-editStrings] [-exists] [-image string] [-isFixedState] [-label string] [-labelStrings] [-numberOfPanels] [-removeAllPanels] [-removeLastPanel] [-replaceCreateString int string] [-replaceEditString int string] [-replaceFixedState int boolean] [-replaceLabel int string] [-replacePanel int boolean string string string string] [-replaceTypeString int string] [-sceneConfig boolean] [-typeStrings] [-useTemplate string] [name]

panelConfiguration is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates a panel configuration object. Typically you would not call this method command directly. Instead use the Panel Editor. Once a panel configuration is created you can make it appear in the main Maya window by selecting it from any panel's "Panels->Saved Layouts" menu.

Return value

stringThe name of the panelConfiguration created.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


addPanel, configString, createStrings, defaultImage, defineTemplate, editStrings, exists, image, isFixedState, label, labelStrings, numberOfPanels, removeAllPanels, removeLastPanel, replaceCreateString, replaceEditString, replaceFixedState, replaceLabel, replacePanel, replaceTypeString, sceneConfig, typeStrings, useTemplate
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-exists(-ex) create
Returns true|false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
-defineTemplate(-dt) string create
Puts a command in a mode where any other flags and args are parsed and added to the command template specified in the argument. They will be used as default arguments in any subsequent invocations of the command when templateName is set as the current template.
-useTemplate(-ut) string create
Force the command to use a command template other than the current one.
-label(-l) string createqueryedit
Configuration label.
-defaultImage(-di) string createquery
The default image for this configuration. Once the default image is set it may not be changed. If an image is set with the -i/image flag then it's value will take precedence.
-image(-i) string createqueryedit
The user specified image for this configuration. Use this flag to override the default image.
-sceneConfig(-sc) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies whether the configuration is associated with the scene. Scene configurations are created when the scene is opened and deleted when the scene is closed.
-configString(-cfs) string createqueryedit
Specifies the string that arranges the panels.
-numberOfPanels(-np) query
Returns the number of panels in the configuration.
-addPanel(-ap) boolean string string string string createeditmultiuse
Adds the specified panel to the configuration. Arguments are: isFixed, label string, type string, create string, edit string.
-replacePanel(-rp) int boolean string string string string createedit
Replaces the specified panel in the configuration. Arguments are: index, isFixed, label string, type string, create string, edit string. The index is 1 based.
-replaceLabel(-rl) int string edit
Replaces the specified label. The index is 1 based.
-replaceEditString(-res) int string edit
Replaces the specified edit string. The index is 1 based.
-replaceCreateString(-rcs) int string edit
Replaces the specified create string. The index is 1 based.
-replaceFixedState(-rfs) int boolean edit
Replaces the specified fixed state value (true|false). The index is 1 based.
-replaceTypeString(-rts) int string edit
Replaces the specified type string. The index is 1 based.
-removeLastPanel(-rlp) edit
Removes the last panel in the config.
-removeAllPanels(-rap) edit
Removes the last panel in the config.
-isFixedState(-if) query
Returns an integer array of whether the panels have fixed states or not.
-labelStrings(-ls) query
Returns an string array of the panel labels.
-typeStrings(-ts) query
Returns an string array of the panel types.
-createStrings(-cs) query
Returns an string array of the panel creation strings.
-editStrings(-es) query
Returns an string array of the panel edit strings.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

//    Create a custom panel configuration.
string $configName = `panelConfiguration -label "Custom Panel Layout"
    -sceneConfig false
    -configString "paneLayout -e -cn \"vertical2\" -ps 1 39 100 -ps 2 61 100 $gMainPane;"
    -addPanel false
        ("{global int $gUseMenusInPanels;\
            $panelName = `outlinerPanel -mbv $gUseMenusInPanels -unParent -l \"Outliner\"`;\
            outlinerEditor -e -highlightActive true $panelName;}")
        "outlinerPanel -edit -l \"Outliner\"  $panelName"
    -addPanel true
        "Persp View"
        ("{global int $gUseMenusInPanels;\
            modelPanel -mbv $gUseMenusInPanels\
            -unParent -l \"Persp View\" -cam persp;}" )
        "modelPanel -edit -l \"Persp View\"  -cam \"persp\" $panelName"`;
//    Update the main Maya window to reflect the custom panel configuration.
//    Note also that your custom configuration may be selected from any
//    panel's "Panels->Saved Layouts" menu.
setNamedPanelLayout "Custom Panel Layout";