Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


menuSetPref [-exists] [-force] [-loadAll] [-removeAll] [-saveAll] [-saveBackup] [-version] [object]

menuSetPref is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Provides the functionality to save and load menuSets between sessions of Maya. For Internal Use Only!

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


exists, force, loadAll, removeAll, saveAll, saveBackup, version
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-saveAll(-sa) create
Saves all the current menuSets into the preferences file.
-saveBackup(-sb) create
Saves a backup of the current menu set preferences file if one exists. This backup will be saved in the same location as the current preferences file.
-loadAll(-la) create
Loads all the menuSets from the preferences file only if the preferences version matches, or the -force flag is enabled. On successful load, of a prefs file, an empty string is returned, otherwise, a description of the problem encountered is returned.
-removeAll(-ra) create
Removes all the menuSets from the preferences file (removes the whole file).
-force(-f) createedit
Forces a specified operation to continue even if errors are encountered (such as invalid preferences).
-exists(-e) query
Returns whether the menuSet preferences file exists or not.
-version(-v) query
The base version string which is saved out to file. It is also checked upon loading in order to indicate changes in the default prefs since the prefs were last saved out.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// saving the current menuSets
menuSetPref -saveAll;
// loading to the current menuSets if they exist
if (`menuSetPref -exists`)
    menuSetPref -loadAll;
// in certain cases, you may wish to remove previous preferences before saving
menuSetPref -removeAll;