
static modeling.polySelectConstraint(*args, **kwargs)

Changes the global polygonal selection constraints. In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.

Long name (short name) Argument Types Properties
angle (a) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on).
anglebound (ab) float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
min and max angles. For vertices : angle between the 2 edges owning the vertex. For edges : angle between the 2 faces owning the edge.
border (bo) bool ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
If true, selection will be extended to all connected border components so that the whole loopis selected.
convexity (c) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(concave) 2(convex).
crease (cr) bool ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
If true, selection will be extended to all connected creased components.
disable (dis) bool ../../../_images/create.gif

Toggles offall constraints for all component types, but leaves the other constraint parameters. This flag may be used together with other ones toggling some constraints on: if so, all constraints are disabled first (no matter the position of the -disable flag in the command line) then the specified ones are activated.

dist (d) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(to point) 2(to axis) 3(to plane).
distaxis (da) float, float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
axis. (Normal to the plane in case of distance to plane).
distbound (db) float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
min and max distances.
distpoint (dp) float, float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
point. (Axis/plane origin in case of distance to axis/plane).
edgeDistance (ed) int ../../../_images/create.gif
Maximum distance (number of edges) to extend the edge selection for Contiguous Edgespropagate mode. 0 means to ignore the distance constraint.
geometricarea (ga) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on).
geometricareabound (gab) float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
min and max areas.
holes (h) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(holed) 2(non holed).
length (l) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on).
lengthbound (lb) float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
min and max lengths.
max2dAngle (m2a) float ../../../_images/create.gif
Maximum angle between two consecutive edges in the 2d tangent plane for Contiguous Edgespropagate mode.
max3dAngle (m3a) float ../../../_images/create.gif
Maximum angle between two consecutive edges in 3d space for Contiguous Edgespropagate mode.
mode (m) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif

0(Off) 1(Next) 2(Current and Next) 3(All and Next). Off : no constraints are used at all. Next : constraints will be used to filter next selections. Current and Next : constraints will be aplied on current selection and then used to filter next selections. All and Next : all items satisfying constraints are selected.

nonmanifold (nm) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on)
oppositeEdges (oe) bool  
order (order) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on).
orderbound (orb) int, int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
min and max orders. number of owning edges.
orient (o) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(orientation) 2(direction).
orientaxis (oa) float, float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
orientbound (ob) float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
min and max angles.
planarity (p) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(non planar) 2(planar).
propagate (pp) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif

0(Off) 1(More) 2(Less) 3(Border) 4(Contiguous Edges). More : will add current selection border to current selection. Less : will remove current selection border from current selection. Border : will keep only current selection border. Contiguous Edges : Add edges aligned with the current edges selected. The direction and number of edges selected is controlled by the -m2a, -m3a, and -ed flags.

random (r) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on).
randomratio (rr) float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
ratio [0,1]. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
shell (sh) bool ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
If true, selection will be extended to all connected components so that the whole piece of object is selected.
size (sz) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(triangles) 2(quads) 3(nsided).
smoothness (sm) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(hard) 2(smooth).
stateString (sts) bool ../../../_images/query.gif
Query only flag. Returns the MEL command that would restore all the current settings.
textured (tx) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(mapped) 2(unmapped).
texturedarea (ta) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(Area specified is unsigned) 2(Area specified is signed).
texturedareabound (tab) float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
min and max areas.
textureshared (ts) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on). This option will select any uvs on the currentMap which are shared by more than one vertex
topology (tp) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(non triangulatable) 2(lamina) 3(non triangulatable and lamina)
type (t) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0x0000(none) 0x0001(vertex) 0x8000(edge) 0x0008(face) 0x0010(texture coordinates)
visibility (v) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on).
visibilityangle (va) float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
angle [0,360].
visibilitypoint (vp) float, float, float ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
where (w) int ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
0(off) 1(on border) 2(inside).
wholeSensitive (ws) bool ../../../_images/create.gif ../../../_images/query.gif
Tells how to select faces : either by picking anywhere inside the face (if true) or by picking on the face center marker (if false).

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.polySelectConstraint


import pymel.core as pm

pm.selectMode( co=True )

# "b"Propagation"/b"

pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.delete( 'plg.f[20:29]' )
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( sh=True ) # next mouse selections will propagate to all shell
pm.polySelectConstraint( sh=False )
pm.polySelectConstraint( bo=True ) # next mouse selections will propagate along border
pm.polySelectConstraint( bo=False )
pm.polySelectConstraint( cr=True ) # next mouse selections will propagate to all connected creased components
pm.polySelectConstraint( cr=False ) 'plg.f[54:55]' )
pm.polySelectConstraint( pp=1 )
pm.polySelectConstraint( pp=1 ) # to get more and more
pm.polySelectConstraint( pp=1 )
pm.polySelectConstraint( pp=2 ) # to get less
pm.polySelectConstraint( pp=3 ) # to get selection border
pm.delete( 'plg' )


pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.selectType( pv=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, w=1 ) # to get border vertices
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, w=2 ) # to get inner vertices
pm.polySelectConstraint( w=0 ) # turn off location constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#edge smoothness
pm.polyCylinder( n='plg' )
pm.selectType( pe=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=0x8000, sm=1 ) # to get hard edges
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=0x8000, sm=2 ) # to get soft edges
pm.polySelectConstraint( sm=0 ) # turn off edge smoothness constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#face size
pm.polyCylinder( n='plg', sz=1 )
pm.delete( 'plg.f[40:59]' )
pm.polyCloseBorder( 'plg.e[27]' )
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, sz=1 ) # to get triangles
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, sz=2 ) # to get quads
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, sz=3 ) # to get N-sided
pm.polySelectConstraint( sz=0 ) # turn off face size constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#face planarity
#    polyPlane -n plg -w 5 -h 5; polyMoveVertex -ltz 1 plg.vtx[79] plg.vtx[85];
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, p=1 ) # to get non-planar faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, p=2 ) # to get planar faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( p=0 ) # turn off face planarity constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#face convexity
pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.delete( 'plg.f[51]', 'plg.f[61]', 'plg.f[52:53]' )
pm.polyCloseBorder( 'plg.e[146]' )
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, c=1 )# to get non-convex faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, c=2 )# to get convex faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( c=0 )#  turn off face convexity constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#face holes
pm.polyCreateFacet( n='plg', p=[(-2, 2, 0), (-2, -2, 0), (2, -2, 0), (2, 2, 0)] )
pm.polyAppend( a=[2, (6, -2, 0), (6, 2, 0), (), (3, 1, 0), (3, -1, 0), (5, 0, 0)] )
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, h=1 )# to get holed faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, h=2 )# to get non-holed faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( h=0 )# turn off hole constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#face mapping
pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.polyMapDel( 'plg.f[60:69]' )
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, tx=1 ) # to get mapped faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, tx=2 ) # to get non-mapped faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( tx=0 ) # turn off face mapping constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#face topology
pm.polyCreateFacet( n='plg', p=((-3, 3, 0),(-3, -3, 0),(3, -3, 0),(3, 3, 0)) )
pm.polyAppend( a= [2, (8, -3, 0), (8, 3, 0)] )
pm.polyAppend( a= (4, 6, 5 ) )
pm.polyAppend( a =[0, (-7, 2, 0),(-7, -1, 0),(-8, 2, 0),(-5, 4, 0)] )
pm.selectType( pf=True)
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, tp=1 ) # to get non triangulatable faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, tp=2 ) # to get lamina faces
pm.polySelectConstraint( tp=0 ) # turn off the face topology constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

pm.polyCylinder( n='plg', sz=1, h=3 )
pm.selectType( pe=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=0x8000, l=True, lb=(2, 4) ) # to get edges of length 2 to 4 units
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=0x8000, l=True, lb=(1, 2) ) # to get edges of length 1 to 2 units
pm.polySelectConstraint( l=False ) # turn off the length constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

pm.polyCube( n='plg', w=5, h=5, d=5 )
pm.polyBevel( 'plg.e[7]', sg=1 )
pm.polyBevel( 'plg.e[9]', sg=3 )
pm.selectType( pe=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=0x8000, a=True, ab=(0, 89) ) # to get edges with angle between 0-89
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=0x8000, a=True, ab=(45, 89) ) # to get edges with angle between 45-89
pm.polySelectConstraint( a=False ) # turn off angle constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#"b"3D Area"/b"
pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.polyMoveFacet( 'plg.f[70:79]', ls=(.5, .5, 0) )
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, ga=True, gab=(0, 0.2) ) # to get faces with area between 0 and 0.2
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, ga=True, gab=(0.2, 0.3) ) # to get faces with area between 0 and 0.2
pm.polySelectConstraint( ga=False ) # turn off 3D area constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#"b"2D area"/b"
pm.polyCylinder( n='plg' )
pm.selectType( pf=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=8, ta=True, tab=(0, 0.5) ) # to get face with texture area between 0-0.5
pm.polySelectConstraint( ta=True ) # turn off the 2D area constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.selectType( pv=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, d=1, db=(0, 5), dp=(5, 0, 0) ) # to get vertices located
# between 0-5 units from a given point
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, d=1, db=(5, 5), dp=(5, 0, 0) ) # to get vertices located
# at exactly 5 units from a given point
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, d=2, db=(5, 6), dp=(5, 0, 0) ) # to get vertices located
# between 5-6 units from a given axis
pm.polySelectConstraint( d=0 )# turn off the distance constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

pm.polySphere( n='plg' )
pm.selectType( pv=True' )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, o=1, ob=(0, 30), oa=(0, 1, 0) )# to get vertices oriented between
# 0-30 degree to a given axis
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, o=2, ob=(0, 30), oa=(0, 1, 0) )
pm.polySelectConstraint( o=0 )# turn off the orintation constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

#"b"Order (Neighbor)"/b"
pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.selectType( pv=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, order=True, orb=(0, 2) ) # to get vertices with 0 to 2 neighbors
pm.polySelectConstraint( order=False ) # turn off the order (neighbor) constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

pm.polySphere( n='plg' )
pm.selectType( pv=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, v=True, va=60, vp=(10, 0, 0) ) # to get vertices in the 60 degree angle from a given point
pm.polySelectConstraint( v=False ) # turn off the visbility constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

pm.polyPlane( n='plg', w=5, h=5 )
pm.selectType( pv=True )
pm.polySelectConstraint( m=3, t=1, r=True, rr=.5 )
pm.polySelectConstraint( r= False ) # turn off the random constraint
pm.delete( 'plg' )

# NOTE: Make sure you turn off the constraint you have used. Otherwise it may
# affect your next selection (if "i"mode"/i" flag is ON).

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