
static general.performanceOptions(*args, **kwargs)

Sets the global performance options for the application. The options allow the disabling of features such as stitch surfaces or deformers to cut down on computation time in the scene. Performance options that are in effect may be on all the time, or they can be turned on only for interaction. In the latter case, the options will only take effect during UI interaction or playback. Note that none of these performance options will affect rendering.

Long name (short name) Argument Types Properties
clusterResolution (cr) float ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the global cluster resolution. This value may range between 0.0 (exact calculation) and 10.0 (rough approximation)
disableStitch (ds) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of stitch surface disablement. Setting this to onsuppresses the generation of stitch surfaces. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
disableTrimBoundaryDisplay (dtb) unicode  
disableTrimDisplay (dt) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif

Sets the state of trim drawing disablement. Setting this to onsuppresses the drawing of surface trims. Valid values are on, off, interactive. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

latticeResolution (lr) float ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the global lattice resolution. This value may range between 0.0 (exact calculation) and 1.0 (rough approximation)
passThroughBindSkinAndFlexors (pbf) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of bind skin and all flexors pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
passThroughBlendShape (pbs) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of blend shape deformer pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
passThroughCluster (pc) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of cluster deformer pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
passThroughFlexors (pf) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of flexor pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
passThroughLattice (pl) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of lattice deformer pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
passThroughPaintEffects (pp) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of paint effects pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
passThroughSculpt (ps) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of sculpt deformer pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
passThroughWire (pw) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of wire deformer pass through. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
useClusterResolution (ucr) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of cluster deformer global resolution. This allows clusters to be calculated at a lower resolution. Valid values are on, off, interactive.
useLatticeResolution (ulr) unicode ../../../_images/query.gif
Sets the state of lattice deformer global resolution. This allows lattices to be calculated at a lower resolution. Valid values are on, off, interactive.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.performanceOptions


import pymel.core as pm

# Disable the generation of stitch surfaces
pm.performanceOptions( ds=1 )

# Put sculpt deformers into pass-through mode during interaction/playback
pm.performanceOptions( ps='interactive' )

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