List of BezierShape Display Flags

  • DISP_VERTTICKS - Display vertices as tick marks.
  • DISP_BEZHANDLES - Display bezier handles.
  • DISP_SELVERTS - Display selected vertices.
  • DISP_SELSEGMENTS - Display selected segments.
  • DISP_SELPOLYS - Display selected polygons.
  • DISP_UNSELECTED - Used by the lofter. Indicates the shape is unselected. The shape is drawn in white, overriding any colors that the BezierShape class would have used.
  • DISP_SELECTED - Used by the lofter. Indicate the shape is selected. The shape is drawn using the selection color, overriding any colors that the BezierShape class would have used.
  • DISP_ATSHAPELEVEL - Used by the lofter. Indicates the shape is at the current level. The shape is drawn in green, overriding any colors that the BezierShape class would have used.
  • DISP_VERT_NUMBERS - When this bit is set, and vertex ticks are being displayed, the shape is drawn with vertex numbers in addition to the ticks.
  • DISP_VERT_NUMBERS_SELONLY - When this bit is set and the DISP_VERT_NUMBERS bit is set, only the numbers of selected vertices are displayed.
  • DISP_SPLINES_ORTHOG - This bit is reserved for internal use.

See Also