Matrix3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Matrix3, including all inherited members.
ClearIdentFlag(DWORD f)Matrix3 [inline]
Equals(const Matrix3 &M, float epsilon=1E-6f) const Matrix3
GetAddr()Matrix3 [inline]
GetAddr() const Matrix3 [inline]
GetColumn(int i) const Matrix3
GetColumn3(int i) const Matrix3
GetIdentFlags() const Matrix3 [inline]
GetRow(int i) const Matrix3 [inline]
GetTrans() const Matrix3 [inline]
GetYawPitchRoll(float *yaw, float *pitch, float *roll)Matrix3
IdentityMatrix3 [static]
Inverse(const Matrix3 &M)Matrix3 [friend]
IsIdentity() const Matrix3 [inline]
Load(ILoad *iload)Matrix3
Matrix3()Matrix3 [inline]
Matrix3(BOOL)Matrix3 [inline]
Matrix3(const Point3 &U, const Point3 &V, const Point3 &N, const Point3 &T)Matrix3 [inline]
operator delete(void *ptr)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete(void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete(void *ptr, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete(void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete[](void *ptr)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete[](void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete[](void *ptr, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new(size_t size)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new(size_t size, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new(size_t size, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new(size_t size, void *placement_ptr)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new[](size_t size)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new[](size_t size, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new[](size_t size, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)MaxHeapOperators [static]
operator*(const Matrix3 &A, const Point3 &V)Matrix3 [friend]
operator*(const Point3 &V, const Matrix3 &A)Matrix3 [friend]
operator*(const Matrix3 &) const Matrix3
operator*=(const Matrix3 &M)Matrix3
operator*=(float a)Matrix3
operator+(const Matrix3 &) const Matrix3
operator+=(const Matrix3 &M)Matrix3
operator-(const Matrix3 &) const Matrix3
operator-=(const Matrix3 &M)Matrix3
operator==(const Matrix3 &M) const Matrix3
operator[](int i) const Matrix3 [inline]
Parity() const Matrix3
PointTransform(const Point3 &p) const Matrix3
PreRotateX(float angle)Matrix3
PreRotateY(float angle)Matrix3
PreRotateZ(float angle)Matrix3
PreScale(const Point3 &s, BOOL trans=FALSE)Matrix3
PreTranslate(const Point3 &p)Matrix3
Quat classMatrix3 [friend]
RotAngleAxisMatrix(Point3 &axis, float angle)Matrix3 [friend]
RotateX(float angle)Matrix3
RotateXMatrix(float angle)Matrix3 [friend]
RotateY(float angle)Matrix3
RotateYMatrix(float angle)Matrix3 [friend]
RotateYPRMatrix(float Yaw, float Pitch, float Roll)Matrix3 [friend]
RotateZ(float angle)Matrix3
RotateZMatrix(float angle)Matrix3 [friend]
Save(ISave *isave)Matrix3
Scale(const Point3 &s, BOOL trans=FALSE)Matrix3
ScaleMatrix(const Point3 &s)Matrix3 [friend]
Set(const Point3 &U, const Point3 &V, const Point3 &N, const Point3 &T)Matrix3 [inline]
SetAngleAxis(const Point3 &axis, float angle)Matrix3
SetColumn(int i, Point4 col)Matrix3
SetFromToUp(const Point3 &from, const Point3 &to, const Point3 &up)Matrix3
SetIdentFlags(DWORD f)Matrix3 [inline]
SetNotIdent()Matrix3 [inline]
SetRotate(const Quat &q)Matrix3
SetRotate(const AngAxis &aa)Matrix3
SetRotate(float yaw, float pitch, float roll)Matrix3
SetRotateX(float angle)Matrix3
SetRotateY(float angle)Matrix3
SetRotateZ(float angle)Matrix3
SetRow(int i, Point3 p)Matrix3
SetScale(const Point3 &s)Matrix3
SetTrans(const Point3 p)Matrix3 [inline]
SetTrans(int i, float v)Matrix3 [inline]
SetTranslate(const Point3 &p)Matrix3
TransformPoints(Point3 *array, int n, int stride=sizeof(Point3))Matrix3
TransformPoints(const Point3 *array, Point3 *to, int n, int stride=sizeof(Point3), int strideTo=sizeof(Point3))Matrix3
TransformVectors(Point3 *array, int n, int stride=sizeof(Point3))Matrix3
TransformVectors(const Point3 *array, Point3 *to, int n, int stride=sizeof(Point3), int strideTo=sizeof(Point3))Matrix3
Translate(const Point3 &p)Matrix3
TransMatrix(const Point3 &p)Matrix3 [friend]
VectorTransform(const Matrix3 &M, const Point3 &V)Matrix3 [friend]
VectorTransform(const Point3 &V, const Matrix3 &M)Matrix3 [friend]
VectorTransform(const Point3 &p) const Matrix3
XFormMat(const Matrix3 &xm, const Matrix3 &m)Matrix3 [friend]