Each Autodesk® product is subject to the terms detailed in the license agreement that accompanies it. Before proceeding, please read and accept the terms in the license text, which you will see during the installation procedure.
For additional information about each of the Autodesk MapGuide® products, refer to the Autodesk MapGuide page on the Autodesk Web site at
For installation instructions, including platform and system requirements, please refer to the Autodesk MapGuide Installation Card (MGInstallationInstructions.pdf) included on the Autodesk MapGuide installation CD. You should reboot your computer after installing Autodesk MapGuide products.
The following are known issues and solutions for Autodesk MapGuide Release 6.5 Service Pack 1.
In Autodesk MapGuide Author, you can create a new map layer by using the Autodesk DWG Data Source option and selecting a DWG file in AutoCAD 2007 format. Refer to the server section of this readme for more details.
An MWF file can be viewed in the ActiveX viewer by browsing a virtual directory and clicking on a map. Under certain conditions, Microsoft IE7 may prevent the map from loading. Two errors can occur referring to “invalid character” and “object expected”. These errors are only visible via the error icon in the lower-left corner of the browser. It appears security settings in Microsoft IE7 have changed such that, if the URL to the server is not added to the browser's Trusted Site list, the ActiveX control will not load. On Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, a message indicating that the site should be added to the Trusted Site list may appear. However, the same message may not appear on Microsoft Windows XP. If enabled, the security setting "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" (found under Tools\Internet Options\Advanced tab) will block the loading of the control. Disabling this setting will allow the map to load.
The issue is tied to the existence of a registry key \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet_Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN\iexplore.exe=0. This entry is created if you change the Advanced settings for Security. Initially, this entry may not exist as part of the install of Microsoft IE7. If it does exist, it may default to 1. Allowing active content will toggle the entry to 0 and block the control. Restoring the defaults for the Advanced settings resets the entry to 1.
The ActiveX control still works if it is embedded in an HTML page using the CLSID, so web applications using the control should be unaffected.
The new FDO layers in Autodesk Map® 2007 files are not supported.
When you install Autodesk MapGuide Author, the following Preference settings are reset to their default values:
Before installing, you should make note of your Preferences and then reset them as needed after installing.
If you have more than one theme defined for a DWG layer and these themes have identical names but different categories, you can only access one of the themes. Autodesk MapGuide Server returns the first theme that it encounters with the duplicate name.
If a MapGuide query or theme uses a Project DWG from Autodesk MapTM, the DWGs in the project should not have duplicate link template names. If the link templates attached to the DWGs have the same name but point to different data sources (UDL files) or to different database files or tables, you cannot access any link template data that is associated with the objects returned by the query or theme. There are no problems if multiple DWGs use the same link template as long as it points to the same data source (with the same name and in the same location.)
For more information about setting up link templates, see the Autodesk Map documentation.
Databases or database drivers that treat blank fields as NULL values or that concatenate strings with NULL values may truncate MapTips or not display MapTips at all.
The following example includes a NULL value in the Name Field for a MapTip.
"''Owner : '+[FNAME]+' '+'[INITIAL]'+' '+[LNAME]"
The INITIAL field is NULL. As a result, the MapTip ends after the owner's first name or the point of the NULL value (the last name is not displayed).
There are workarounds for NULL values with some data providers. The following examples show how Access, Oracle, and SQLServer implement NULL substitution:
Access: 'Owner : ' & FNAME & ' ' & IIF(ISNULL(INITIAL),'',INITIAL) & ' ' & LNAME
Oracle: 'Owner : ' || FNAME || ' ' || NVL(INITIAL, '') || ' ' || LNAME
SQLServer: 'Owner : ' + FNAME + ' ' + COALESCE(INITIAL,'') + ' ' + LNAME
Please note that not all databases or database drivers behave similarly. Some databases have no problems displaying MapTips because they treat NULL values as an empty string.
For more information on creating MapTips, see "Viewing Map Information" in Autodesk MapGuide Help.
DWFs are intended to be used as background images, in much the same way that DWG files were used in previous releases. Because DWFs are essentially electronic plots, the level of precision depends on the plot settings. This is not an issue for most maps. However, if your application demands a higher degree of precision, you can increase the size of the virtual DWF paper by setting the appropriate DPI and paper size before you publish to DWF.
The following link goes to an article that explains DWF precision, why it is not the same as the DWG, and how to improve the precision: http://autodesk.blogs.com/between_the_lines/2004/01/dwf_precision_a.html
When converting multiple images to TIFF format, you must convert one image at a time. Raster Workshop does not support multiple-image processing.
The SDF Loader uses a process similar to the one described in the Server section (below) when reading a DWG 2007 file. A temporary file exists during processing. The original DWG file will remain unchanged after the process is completed.
If you convert a file containing a polyline or polygon feature that has more than 65,535 vertices, SDF Loader generalizes the feature to use no more than 65,535 vertices. The maximum vertices for a feature made up of polypolylines or polypolygons is 2,097,152. Also the number of primitives in a polypolyline or a polypolygon cannot exceed 65,535. Generalization will also not be performed on a polypolyline or polypolygon when the number of vertices exceeds 2,097,152.
You cannot use the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel to update or repair an SDF Loader installation. To update or repair a SDF Loader Installation, run the Autodesk MapGuide installation CD.
The SDF Loader has the ability to extract Point/Symbol and Text data from a DWG to a CSV (comma-delimited text) file. You can use the CSV file to populate a database table which can then be used to create point and text layers in Autodesk MapGuide. When the SDF Loader creates point and text CSV files, it also creates polygon and polyline line and fill style CSV files. Autodesk MapGuide does not read CSV files with polygon and polyline line and fill style data.
The Dynamic Authoring Toolkit cannot delete temporary files from the host machine where a web or stand-alone application instantiates the Dynamic Authoring Toolkit unless the users or group who access the host machine have modification rights for the Windows temp folder. To apply modification rights to the temp folder, right-click the temp folder, click Properties, select the Security tab, and then select the Allow Modify option for the selected or added user or group.
The path of the folder for temporary files is specified by the TMP, TEMP, or USERPROFILE environment variable. The location of the folder depends on the Windows operating system. It can vary from c:\temp, c:\windows\temp, c:\winnt\temp, c:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\temp, and so on.
To use AutoCAD 2007 Format DWG files, you must add the DWG files to an existing ADL referenced directory or create a new data source using the Server Admin. The following describes the process used to access the files:
Multiple search paths for DWG, SDF, and SHP are no longer supported. If you have existing Autodesk MapGuide applications that use data sources with multiple paths, you will need to migrate this data to work with Autodesk MapGuide 6.5. To do this, you can either move the data from the multiple path locations to one common location, or create separate data sources for the multiple-path data and reference these new data sources.
If a DWG file contains a block of text and that was inserted at a very small scale factor (for example, 0.01), Autodesk Provider for DWG may hang and fill up the application log.
To work around this issue and get Autodesk MapGuide Server back on line:
To prevent this problem from happening again:
Find and remove all instances of small blocks of text in the DWG file.
You cannot use the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel to update or repair an Autodesk MapGuide Server installation. To update or repair an Autodesk MapGuide Server installation, run the Autodesk MapGuide installation CD.
If you are upgrading to Autodesk MapGuide Server 6.5, and you still have a previous version on your computer, be sure to install the new version to a different folder.
Autodesk MapGuide Server 6.5 can coexist on the same machine as other Autodesk products, including:
These products share certain architectural components, including spatial data providers. Because of this, please follow these guidelines when installing or uninstalling these products:
When a request is made to the Autodesk MapGuide Server for an Autodesk DWG layer, the DWG data file is locked to any application attempting to access it, including another Autodesk MapGuide Server. In general, you should make edits to your DWG files prior to publishing them with Autodesk MapGuide. If you need to update a DWG file that you have already set up as an Autodesk MapGuide data source, do the following:
After you edit and save your DWG file, be sure to put the data source back online by selecting the Available check box in the Autodesk MapGuide Server Admin Data Sources tab.
Due to a known issue with the MrSID decompression SDK, Autodesk MapGuide Server may eventually hang if an invalid MrSID image file is used. Autodesk MapGuide Server recognizes a file as being a MrSID format file if the first four characters in the file are “msid.”
In the unlikely event that the MapGuide Server hangs in your application, you can activate the auto-restart mechanism. By default, the auto-restart mechanism is disabled. To activate it, use regedit to add two registry keys as follows in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFT- WARE\Autodesk\MapGuide Server\6.5\Parameters:
Health Restart Enabled must be a DWORD value. A zero (0) disables this features and a non-zero value enables it. Typically, set this key to 1 to enable the feature. Health Restart Threshold must be a DWORD value in the range 0 to 100. The higher this number is, the more frequently the server will restart. A 0 value indicates to restart Autodesk MapGuide Server when it is completely lifeless. Do not set this entry to higher than 50 or the possibility of restarting a healthy server increases dramatically. Note also that there is no range validation for this entry.
When you install Autodesk MapGuide Server, the following registry settings are set to their default values:
If your Windows Regional Options are set to use a comma (,) for the Decimal Symbol and a period (.) for the Digit Grouping Symbol, you will not be able to save and then reload an MWX file in Autodesk MapGuide Author.
To save and reload MWX files in Autodesk MapGuide Author, set your Regional Options as follows:
If you manually stop and then restart Autodesk MapGuide Server using Autodesk MapGuide Server Admin, all subsequent Viewer requests result in an entry in the system's Application Event Log, and no tracking data is saved. To avoid this issue, do the either of the following:
If you are authoring maps for display with either the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition or Autodesk MapGuide LiteView, and you are using TrueType fonts as symbols, be sure to select the Add By Rendering TrueType Fonts As Graphics option when you create the symbol using Symbol Manager. If you do not select this option, the TrueType fonts will be displayed at a very small size.
The following Autodesk MapGuide Viewer keyboard shortcut keys do not work on Apple Macintosh computers running MacOS 9 with Internet Explorer 5.0:
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Plug-In needs http:// at the beginning of URL links to correctly locate the Autodesk MapGuide Server and specified maps.
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition is missing Help buttons for dialog boxes, such as Preference, Zoom Goto, and Page Setup, and so on. To get dialog box Help, either select the Help (?) icon or right-click and select Help > Help Contents, then navigate to the appropriate dialog box topic.
On some operating systems, in particular the Japanese OS, Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition installation may appear to fail. You may see a blank Autodesk MapGuide window at the end of installation, and when you hold the cursor over the window, the status bar reads:
load: com.autodesk.mgjava.MGMapApplet can't be instantiated.
However, the installation has in fact succeeded, and Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition will run.
After installing the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition, you may notice that in the Downloaded Program Files folder, the status column for the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer, Java Edition shows “Damaged”. This is caused by a problem with Internet Explorer. After you reboot the machine, the Java Edition will be shown as “Installed”.
Java 2 version 1.4 automatically detects the page dimensions of a map when printing from the Viewer. If you are running an earlier version of Java 2, you will need to specify the page dimensions in the Page Setup dialog box before you print.
If you install Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1, the reporting feature of Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition is disabled when targeting a frame on the same page as the viewer. To avoid this problem, change the application to show reports in a separate window. If you cannot change the application, you can find generated reports as HTML files in C:\Documents and Settings\yourloginname\Local Settings\Temp.
The MapGuide Viewer Java Edition applet requires more permissions than those currently available in the Java Applet "sandbox." All user-defined unsigned Wrapper Applets under the Java 2 Security Model will encounter various security violations when directly invoking the MapGuide Viewer Java Edition APIs. The following are some examples of these violations:
These security violations are caused by insufficient privileges assigned to these unsigned Wrapper Applets. To gain full permission under the Java 2 Security Model while encapsulating the MapGuide Viewer Java Edition Applet, the specific Wrapper Applet has to be either:
The sample applet (Example6.class) file in the MapGuideDocumentation6.5>ViewerAPIHelp>JavaEdition>examples>classes folder provides an example of a digitally signed Wrapper Applet.
You must have the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine or the Sun Java Runtime Environment installed on your computer before you can install the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition. If you click the Start Install button on the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Java Edition Installation page and nothing happens, make sure you have installed either the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine or the Sun Java Runtime Environment and try again.
Under stressful conditions, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 may hang on the Mac OS X operating system. If this occurs, restart both Internet Explorer and the Autodesk MapGuide View Java Edition.
The following are known errata for Autodesk MapGuide documentation.
This section describes corrected issues included in this service pack.
When transforming Lat Long to NAD27 Georgia State Planes West, it was possible for layers not to appear or to appear incorrectly. This issue has been resolved.
In some cases, SDF data was rendering incorrectly and the extents were not being read properly. This issue has been resolved.
Unnecessary files were being installed with Autodesk MapGuide Server 6.5. The following files will no longer be installed with the server: obdxAuto16enu_MG, mpolygoncom16enu_MG, odbxBrep16, odbxImage_core16.
You can now access the MgPrintInfo object in the Active-x API without having to print anything.
The issue causing Greek characters to display incorrectly has been resolved.
The issue with adding ECW files to Raster Image Catalogs (RICs) has been resolved. ECW files can now be added to RICs using Autdesk Raster Workshop.
In some cases, data would be missing after zooming. This was related to an issue with datum shifts. The issue has now been resolved.
Refer to the Oracle Datum Shifts White Paper, available from Product Support, for a description of how to resolve this issue.
In some case, geometry imported with the SDP provider was displaying incorrectly. This issue has been resolved.
This was a localization issue. It has been resolved.
Displaying Oracle arcs generated from an Autodesk Map 2005 DWG could result in a server error. This issue has been resolved.
Opening MWX files with 2 or more TextLayerStyles or line styles could result in an error message. This issue has been resolved.
Zooming in using the mouse wheel could cause the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer to enter a continuous busy state, requiring the user to right-click and choose Stop to end it. This issue has been resolved.
After a possible network timeout period, you may receive errors indicating the filename is invalid (which happens during a Save As to the unavailable location) or the MWF cannot be saved (which happens during a Save). Executing a Save As to a new location will allow you to save your work.
LZW compressed TIFF files are now supported by Autodesk MapGuide Server 6.5.
Setting the View Distance Function to use Great Circle had no effect on the Zoom > Width option and the status bar display. This issue has been resolved.
Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 when accessing or refreshing an Autodesk MapGuide site sometimes caused an Internet Explorer error. This issue has been resolved.
Last modified: March 23, 2007